A Message from Dr. Robert Sloan on June 2, 2020

As I’ve watched the news this week, I have mourned the injustice we’ve seen, as well as the violent response across our nation. In these troubling times, my mind has turned to Jesus and what the Scriptures teach us concerning racism, injustice, hatred, and violence.

The appearance of Jesus, announcing the loving and restorative reign of God in his person, teaching, and miracles, tragically culminated in his brutal death for the sins of humanity, which against all natural odds led to his vindication, when God raised him from the dead.

The ascension of Jesus, which has in recent days been celebrated by Christians the world over, is nothing less than a coronation. Jesus is now the ruling, reigning Lord over all the creation, and he has sent his own Spirit into the world to bring unity, peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation through his people.

George Floyd served and worshiped Jesus, the crucified and risen son of God. His brutal murder in recent days has painfully reminded us that there is much work yet to be done for us to fulfill God‘s purposes for the world.

The central work of Jesus, carried on by Jesus’ followers through worship, service, and the preaching of the Gospel, was to form a new world, beginning with the unity of people of all ethnicities, races, nationalities, economic strata, and gender (Galatians 3:26-28; Colossians 3:9-11). All those who embrace Jesus by faith are brought together in one body, a living, serving, and worshiping fellowship, that rejects all dehumanizing divisions. That is the central goal of the transforming power of the message of Jesus when applied to life in everyday flesh-and-blood people, families, and communities.

God’s Kingdom – the reign of God through Jesus, the true monarch of this world – stands opposed to all acts of bigotry, racism, hatred, murder, violence, and chaos. HBU, a University committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, rededicates itself in these troubling days to love, service, prayer, justice, reconciliation, peace, and liberty for all people. May God give us the wisdom to live with faith, love, and mercy so that we may courageously do his work in the world.

HBU President Robert Sloan