Alcohol Policy
Members of the HCU Community are expected to commit themselves to promoting a healthy social and academic environment where learning and campus life are not hindered by the misuse of alcohol and other drugs.
Possession, sale, or use of alcoholic beverages on campus or at University sponsored events or activities is strictly prohibited.
Evidence of use of alcohol, such as empty alcoholic beverage containers displayed in residents’ rooms or in a student’s possession is also prohibited.
Lighted beer signs or posters promoting the use of alcoholic beverages will not be permitted on campus.
Any student who returns to campus while intoxicated shall be subject to full disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Culpability: As it is difficult to accurately determine degrees of culpability, all students present in a room or area at the time of the alcohol violation will generally be held responsible for such violation. Students are advised in advance to avoid such situations which may put them at risk of disciplinary action.
Health Risks
No printed lists or warning signs can replace talking with a professional in determining whether you or someone you care about has an alcohol problem. Such lists or warning signs can give you a sense of whether you should check out the possibility more thoroughly. The following are symptoms to watch for with respect to alcohol:
- Preoccupation with alcohol
- Increased tolerance of alcohol
- Physical deterioration
- Black-outs
- Morning tremors
- Large amounts of money spent on alcohol
- Consequences (suffering physical, social, occupational, and/or legal problems) as result of alcohol use
Alcoholic Beverage Laws for Minors
Purchase, Attempt to Purchase, Possession, Consumption, Misrepresentation of Age, Public Intoxication by Minor:
- Class C misdemeanor: $0-$500, Alcohol awareness course, 8-40 hours community service, 30-180 days driver’s license suspension or denial.
- If minor is seventeen years of age or older and the violation is the third offense, the offense is punishable by a fine of $250-$2000, confinement in jail for up to 180 days or both, as well as automatic driver’s license suspension.
- A minor with previous alcohol-related convictions will have his or her driver’s license suspended for one year if the minor does not attend alcohol awareness training that has been required by the judge.
Penalties for Providing Alcohol to a Minor:
- Class A misdemeanor: Fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail for up to a year, or both, driver’s license automatically suspended for 180 days upon conviction.
- Persons 21 or older (other than parent or guardian) can be held liable for damages caused by intoxication of a minor under 18 if the adult knowingly provided alcoholic beverages to a minor or knowingly allowed the minor to be served or provided alcoholic beverages on the premises owned or leased by the adult.
- Sale to a minor: Class A misdemeanor: Fine up to $4,000, confinement up to a year in jail, or both.
Zero Tolerance
In Texas it is illegal for a person under 21 to operate a motor vehicle in a public place while having ANY detectable amount of alcohol in their system. On September 1, 2009, this law was expanded to include watercraft in addition to motor vehicles. The following penalties shall be imposed:
- First Offense: Class C misdemeanor: Fine up to $500, attendance at an alcohol awareness class, 20-40 hours mandatory community service, 60 days driver’s license suspension, 30 days ineligible for occupational license.
- Second Offense: Class C misdemeanor: Fine up to $500, attendance at an alcohol awareness class at the judge’s discretion, 40-60 hours of mandatory community service, 120 days driver’s license suspension, 90 days ineligible for occupational license.
- Third Offense (Under 17): Not eligible for deferred adjudication, 180 days driver’s license suspension, Ineligible for occupational license during entire suspension period.
- Third Offense (17 or Older): Class B misdemeanor: $500-$2000 and/or Confinement in jail up to 180 days, 180 days driver’s license suspension, Ineligible for occupational license.
Alcohol Counseling
The following is a list of various counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs and facilities available in the surrounding community:
Alcoholics Anonymous
Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital
7600 Beechnut Street and SW Frwy, Houston, Texas 77074
Monday, 8:00 p.m.; Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 p.m.
West Oaks Hospital
6550 Hornwood, Houston, Texas 77074
Sunday, 8:00 p.m.; Monday, 8:00 p.m.
College Park Baptist Church
7887 Beechnut Street, Houston, Texas 77074
Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Bellaire Club
6701 Dunlap, Houston, Texas 77074
Sunday, 12 Noon; Sunday, 8:00 p.m.; Monday, 12 Noon; Monday, 8 p.m.