Interdisciplinary Studies Major (BA)
What is Interdisciplinary Studies?

An interdisciplinary studies major is designed to offer students the opportunity to form a course of study across several disciplines. There are no courses specifically designated as interdisciplinary. Instead, students can choose a concentration in one or two of three different areas of courses offerings in: Humanities, Math and Science, and Business.

Why Major in Interdisciplinary Studies?

There is a long and fruitful history of scholars exploring multiple areas in support of their projects. This major is suited for students whose academic or personal goals require that they take courses from a number of different disciplines across the university and who are best served by not majoring in any particular field. HCU’s program offers a wide range of flexibility to choose courses drawing from different disciplines of study.

Interdisciplinary Studies Jobs

The Interdisciplinary Studies major is an option for students seeking a degree that provides a broad background applicable to a variety of careers. It can also be a stepping stone in the pursuit of a master’s degree or further education toward a specific career.

Graduates with this major may find the following employment opportunities:

  • Teaching in primary, secondary, or post-secondary education
  • Educational administration and leadership
  • School counseling and admissions
  • Research analysts
  • Journalists for newspapers, magazines and websites
  • Writers for news, television, and film
  • Public relations managers and specialists
  • Training and professional development
  • Human resources management
  • Legislative assistants

HCU’s Bachelor in Interdisciplinary Studies

An interdisciplinary studies major provides the student a well-rounded education, complete with studies in many different areas. Students take classes that are offered by the existing academic units on campus. Students should work closely with their advisor in determining whether or not this degree is right for them, which specific disciplines to make their areas of focus, and for determining what classes will best suit their goals.

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