HCU Email Signature

Your email signature should contain two columns of text, followed by an official HCU logo. Custom email signature graphics are not permitted.

In the first column, your first and last name (in bold), job title, and full department name. In the second column, your HC.edu email address (capitalize “HC”), and your office phone number (preceded with “O:”).

A separator can be used between your email signature text and logo.

Finally, you may choose between two logo options using the variation of blue text on a white background. Option #1 is to use the official HCU logo (see below). Option #2 is to use your official department lockup logo (see below).

Firstname Lastname                                  email@HC.edu
Job Title                                                             O: 281-649-3000
[Logo or Lockup]

Permitted Variations

Official Logo

Firstname Lastname                                   email@HC.edu
Job Title                                                             O: 281-649-3000

Department Lockup

Firstname Lastname                                  email@HC.edu
Job Title                                                             O: 281-649-3000


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