Carla and David Stutts Family named HCU 2022 "Family of the Year”

The Carla and David Stutts Family were named the HCU 2022 “Family of the Year.”  Selected families exemplify Christian family values and contribute their time, talent, and resources in support of HCU’s mission. The annual recognition, traditionally announced during Family Weekend, was announced at HCU’s “Throwback Game” last fall.

HCU alumni Carla and David Stutts were honored along with David’s parents, Ann and Rev. Joe Stutts, Carla’s mother, Jean Graves, the couple’s children and other members of the family.

HCU Family of the Year 2022


Carla, a 2001 HCU graduate, earned a Bachelor of Arts in History and Interdisciplinary Studies and David earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Management in 1982. David’s sister, Laurie Stutts, graduated from HCU in 1986 and his brother-in-law, Chris Martin, earned his MBA in 2015. The family’s Husky legacy extends to niece, Natalie who recently graduated from HCU with a major in music.

HCU President Robert Sloan applauded the family for their faithful contributions and support of the University through the years.

“We appreciate the Stutts family and all that they have done for Houston Christian University. Since graduating, they have both remained involved in the life of their alma mater, serving in various organizations. They are faithful contributors, making investments in HCU students, facilities and programs. David and Carla’s parents have also played significant roles in the history of the University,” said Dr. Sloan.

Carla, a longtime member of The Guild, was HCU’s first recipient of the Texas Baptists’ Best Educators Serving Texans (B.E.S.T.) Award, an annual award given to Christian educators living out their faith daily among their students and the community. She also served on various HCU Alumni Association committees.

David, chair of the alumni board in the late 80s, served as a member and later, chair, of the HCU Board of Trustees. He received the Alumni Association’s 2015 Meritorious Alumnus Award which is presented to an alumnus who exemplifies a sustained commitment of time, actions and energy toward furthering the ideals of HCU.

HCU Families of the Year exemplify Christian values and support HCU’s mission. The selected family is recognized at various events, and a tile is placed in the University’s Walk of Honor to commemorate them. Annually, a tree is planted on campus in each family’s honor.