The Copeland and Coggins families recognized as “2023 Family of the Year” honorees

Giving is truly a family affair for the Coggins and Copeland families. Each family was recognized as “2023 Family of the Year” honorees by Houston Christian University (HCU) on Sept. 30 during the annual Family Weekend celebration. Families who receive this special recognition exemplify Christian family values and contribute their time, talent and resources in support of HCU’s mission.

HCU President Robert Sloan presented special plaques to each family during halftime before the Huskies game against Lamar University.  “We applaud this family for decades of sustained connection as involved students and now faithful alumni,” said Dr. Sloan of the Coggins family.

During the on-field presentation, Dr. Sloan described the Copeland family as “a family of deep commitment to their faith” that “truly exemplify the values of HCU.” He commended the family for giving of their time and talent to the University.

Each honoree has been faithful in their support of HCU’s mission of providing a learning experience that instills in students a passion for academic, spiritual, and professional excellence as a result of the central confession, “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

The Coggins Family

Donna, a former nurse, and Dr. Steven Coggins, a physician, have been generous in their support of the University. They are parents to William ’16 and John ’20, both alumnus of HCU and Mark ’24 and Robert ’27, who are current Huskies.

William graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from HCU and is a resident doctor in the Department of Neurosurgery at the College of Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. His wife, Danielle ‘16, a fellow Husky and classmate, graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology. Her father, Dan, has been a faithful contributor to HCU’s Huskies Give Big.

John graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from HCU and is currently in medical school. He married fellow Husky, Irene Conception ’20, who graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing.

The Husky tradition continues with Mark, a recipient of the Dr. James S. Taylor Alumni Scholarship and Robert, an incoming freshman who is the first recipient of The 1967-1970 Founding Classes of Houston Baptist College Alumni Endowed Scholarship.

The Copeland Family

Monroe ’71 Copeland and wife, Debbie ’72, are Charter Club members and Husky Football Founders. They were each inducted into the Golden Circle, a special recognition for alumni who have reached their 50th graduation anniversary and have been faithful attendees at HCU’s annual Homecoming celebration.

Their son, Jeffrey ‘03 Copeland is an endowed scholarship recipient and member of several student organizations. The Copeland’s have been generous donors to the University.

HCU “Family of the Year” honorees are recognized at various events, and a tile is placed in the University’s Walk of Honor to commemorate their faithful support of the University.