Building a Marriage While Building a Business (Interview w/ Robert and Kay Lee Fukui)

On today’s episode, Robert and Kay Lee Fukui share tips for married marketplace Christians on how to prioritize marriage and work.   

Robert and Kay Lee Fukui are the co-founders of i61, inc., a business consulting company. They assist married entrepreneurs create better work/life balance by structuring the business to scale while giving precious time back to the owner to invest into their marriage. They have developed an innovative consulting program, Power Couples by DesignTM, which equips the married entrepreneur to build a Thriving Marriage AND Prosperous Business.

They are the authors of the new book, Tandem: The Married Entrepreneurs’ Guide for Greater Work-Life Balance.

Christianity in Business is the show that helps Christian business leaders to integrate biblical values into business. | Entrepreneurship | Marketing | Nonprofit | Church | Author | Startups | Marketplace | Ministry | Business as Mission | Faith and Work | Faith | Success | Leadership |