SharePoint: External Link Expiration
What is External Link Sharing?
External Sharepoint Links are valuable Office 365 collaboration tools through which you can share content with someone outside of HCU. Sharing resources (files, folders, sites, etc.) with external users is accomplished by sending an invitation and granting appropriate access levels. As a result, an external user would only see the content that has been shared with them.
How Does this affect me?
After July 16, 2018, links shared with external users will have an expiration date of 30 days. After 30 days, the link is automatically disabled and the external party will no longer have access to the content. Extending the sharing time period will require sending a new link. Sharepoint links sent internally (within the HCU community) will not be affected by this policy.
What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
Review existing shared links and disable those no longer in use. Consider adding notes to new externally shared links notifying the recipient of the 30-day limit.
Contact the HelpDesk with any questions.