Audit/Survey Humanities Classes

An auditor (or surveyor) is someone who is taking a course simply for one’s own enjoyment and personal development, and not for credit. Please note that any courses taken as an auditor/surveyor will also not count for credit in the future.

Fall 2024 Offerings – HCU Campus

The courses listed below are actively being audited during this term. To request a class that you would like to audit, please browse our course offerings and send an email to with the course information.

All Fall Session: August 26-December 13

Course Title
SOCI 1313: Principles of Sociology
Dr. Randy Wilson

Register for Fall 2024
M- Monday, T- Tuesday, W- Wednesday, R- Thursday, F- Friday

The classes will run on the designated days of the week, for the duration of the semester. The Academic Calendar is available and lists holidays when the University is closed, so classes will not meet on those days. For directions, view the Campus Map.

Class Costs

  • 3-hour course: $280 Early Bird, $300 after the semester begins
  • 1-hour course: $100 Early Bird, $120 after the semester begins