[By: Kwok Tung Cheung, 2013] Integrity is the foundation of business. But in a marketplace that is highly competitive and sometimes hostile to moral aspirations, how are Christian executives to remain faithful to their Christian values? Christ and ...
Ethical Leadership: An Invitation to Spiritual Formation and Transformation for the Christian Professional
[By: Doris Gomez, 2013] Abstract Great leaders – including Christians – who were discovered in unethical activities lose an essential part of their ability to lead. Especially for Christian professionals, the question must not stop at ‘Who is ...
A Christian Ethic for Business
[By: Alexander Hill, 2013] Note from the Editors In a world that is flooded by moral relativism the Christian business man or woman faces the constant challenge of doing the right thing in ethical dilemmas, which is no ...
Christian Business Ethics in Theory and Practice: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
[*Excerpts from discussion of leadership panel, 2013] Note from the Editors The economic turmoil of recent years has heightened the awareness of business ethics across the world. For Christians, the only ethical standards that matter are those laid ...
The Fruit of The Spirit: Application to Performance Management
[By: Al Erisman, Denise Daniels, 2013] Abstract Over the past fifteen years, a variety of high profile performance failures and ethical scandals have rocked the business world. “Business ethics” has become a seeming oxymoron. Most ethical failures start ...
Worship in the Trenches: Cases of Christian Business Ethics
[By: Buck Jacobs, 2013] True worship is demonstrated through obedience. In our lives as Christians our obedience to our Lord defines our testimony and provides us with opportunities to witness the difference Christ makes in our lives. He ...
God Leads in Mysterious Ways
[By: Phil Clements, 2013] “Max Weber was right.” So starts David Landes’ paper in the book Culture Matters.1“Right about what?” I asked myself, and who was Max Weber anyway? So God, in His mysterious way, changed the course ...
Biblical Games: Game Theory and the Hebrew Bible
[By: Steven J. Brams, 2024] A note from the editors The following excerpt is taken from Chapter 6 (“Just Agreements and Wise Arbitration”) of Dr. Brams’ book, Biblical Games: Game Theory and the Hebrew Bible (MIT Press, 2003). ...
Stewardship and Priestly Measures within a Balanced Scorecard
[By: John Duncan, 2024] Abstract Christian business leaders function as stewards and priests in the marketplace. The balanced scorecard’s traditional measures can be utilized to help any manager be a good steward within an organization. This conceptual paper ...
Serving for Purpose and Profit
[By: Anthony Flynn , 2024] My Call to Serve I was in my early thirties when I began to understand God’s purpose and plan for my life. My early years, however, were mired in pain and trauma. My ...