Contact Financial Aid
Prospective/Incoming Students
In order to serve you best as an incoming student, your admissions counselor will be your main point of contact for you. Once you begin classes at HCU, your financial aid advisor will be happy to assist you.
After you have been accepted and you have your Financial Aid Package from our office, you can contact admissions to schedule your financial aid appointment, where your admissions counselor will walk through all aspects of financials along with other important information you need to have as an incoming student.
Current On-Campus Students
As a current student, you have been assigned to a financial aid advisor in our office based on your last name. Please see the list below. The quickest way to reach your advisor is to email them directly or visit the office
Current Online Students
As a current Online student, the quickest way to reach your Online advisor is to email them or call them 855-428-1960, option #4, then option #1.”
Contact Financial Aid
Main Office Information
Houston Christian University
Office of Financial Aid
7502 Fondren Road
Houston, TX 77074-3298
(281) 649-3749 — Telephone
(281) 649-3298 — Fax — Email
Online Contact Information
1-855-428-1960, option #4, then option #1
(281) 649-3298 — Fax — Email for Online Students
The Financial Aid Office is located in the Brown Administration Building, Room 138.