Doctor of Ministry Degree (DMin Degree)

“The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15

Engage culture through Kingdom-focused education with leading scholars in a diverse community of learning.

Houston Christian University’s Doctor of Ministry degree, offered through Houston Theological Seminary, was designed to empower pastors, chaplains, and ministry leaders with the advanced knowledge and credentials necessary to face the challenges of the contemporary world and excel in their ministry careers.

In the DMin degree program, we provide a Kingdom-focused experience where leaders participate in a spiritually formative learning community and gain specialized education from experts in the field through the study of New Testament theology, practical ministry, philosophy, and cultural studies.

Join the Doctor of Ministry program to unlock the truths of the Scriptures, learn inventive ways of engaging modern culture and society with the Gospel, and advance the Kingdom through training in leadership, ministry, and communication, all while personally conforming deeper into the image of Christ.

Doctor of Ministry Degree Overview and Requirements

Our 30-credit hour DMin degree program builds upon core, graduate-level study in Biblical Studies, Practical Theology and Apologetics. Students then choose between two tracks to specialize in areas of ministry and culture:

  • Faith and Culture Track: Engage cultural challenges with depth and conviction, drawing on HCU’s interdisciplinary approach integrating theology with the arts, humanities and philosophy.
  • New Testament Studies Track: Achieve doctoral-level biblical competency by engaging in cutting-edge New Testament research to more effectively communicate and lead through God’s word.

Core Program Structure and Format

The core doctoral program (30 hours) can be completed in as few as three years. Most courses are semester-long and hybrid in format, focused on one-week residential intensives. Students will meet several times online each semester with their class for 90 minute class periods to discuss readings and work on writing projects.

DMin Degree Plans

Review Faith and Culture Track requirements
Review New Testament Studies Track requirements

Courses in the DMin Degree

The DMin degree requires 30 credit hours total, consisting of:

  • Core Courses (9 hours): Establish foundational competencies in Kingdom Theology, Kingdom Ministry, Theology and Culture, and Strategic Leadership and Communication.
  • Research Seminars (8 hours): Join faculty in cutting-edge research discussions and receive progressive guidance in developing your individual research project. Participate remotely via video or in-person if local.
  • Track Courses (9 hours): Specialize through the Faith and Culture track or New Testament Studies track. Each provides three courses engaging key topics and challenges in the discipline.
  • Research Project (4 hours): Demonstrate applied theological and ministerial consideration through a traditional research dissertation or a pre-approved substantial project. Benefit from the support of two supervisors.

Some incoming students may need to complete up to 24 hours of leveling courses before beginning doctoral work, depending on prior graduate training. Your advisor will determine any necessary courses, which may include Greek, Hermeneutics, Systematic Theology, Church History, or Biblical Theology.

Explore the DMin degree program structure further and preview a typical semester at a glance.

Specializations in the Doctor of Ministry Degree Program

Faith and Culture Track

This DMin degree track equips leaders to engage complex cultural challenges with robust theology and apologetics. Courses such as Modern and Postmodern Philosophy and Culture, Theology and Imagination (including an optional week in Oxford), Theological Aesthetics, World Religions, and Faith and Culture draw upon HCU’s interdisciplinary approach. Students study with top apologetics and theology faculty including William Lane Craig, David Baggett, Michael Licona, Holly Ordway, Chris Sneller, Phil Tallon, Melissa Travis, Michael Ward, Nancy Pearcey, and Kristen Davis.

Read more about the Faith and Culture track or meet our Faith and Culture faculty experts.

New Testament Studies Track

Designed for leaders seeking doctoral-level biblical expertise, this track features cutting-edge New Testament research to strengthen your preaching and teaching. Course options include Studies in the Gospels and Acts, Pastoral Ministry from a NT Perspective, Jesus the Preacher, Pauline Letters, focused New Testament studies, and an Israel Study Trip. HCU has one of the largest NT faculties in the world, including Ben Blackwell, Craig Evans, Robert Gagnon, Chris Kugler, Michael Licona, Jason Maston, and Paul Sloan.

Read more about the New Testament Studies track or meet our New Testament Studies faculty experts.

Why Earn Your Doctor of Ministry Degree at HCU?

  • Learn from Top Experts: Study with leading faculty who are active experts in their fields, such as Lynn Cohick, Scot McKnight, Craig Evans, Ben Blackwell, Michael Ward, and Philip Tallon.
  • Experience Formative Community: We intentionally cultivate connection through courses that incorporate worship, prayer and spiritual direction.
  • Gain Fresh Perspective: Facilitate inspiring encounters with Gospel-engaged leaders and organizations, including substantive time at Lanier Theological Library.
  • Complete in 3 Years: Our DMin program is designed for busy leaders, with most courses in a hybrid format centered on one-week intensives. The 30-hour degree can be finished in as few as 3 years.

Learn more about the DMin degree program distinctives.

Career Opportunities with a Doctor of Ministry Degree

A Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree can open a wide range of career opportunities. Here are some potential career paths:

  • Leadership roles in Christian organizations: Your advanced theological knowledge and leadership skills can qualify you for leadership positions in churches, denominations, and ministries.
  • Consulting roles: Christian organizations often seek experts in theology and ministry for guidance. A DMin degree can qualify you for consulting or advisory positions.
  • Academic roles: A DMin degree can lead to academic and teaching opportunities in theology, ministry, or related subjects at Bible colleges, seminaries, or Christian schools.
  • Community outreach roles: A DMin degree equips you with the skills and knowledge to engage with communities and make a difference through outreach programs, social justice initiatives, or spiritual guidance.

Admissions and Aid

  • Admissions requirements for the DMin degree: Applicants must hold a masters degree, particular graduate theological coursework, and have at least 3 years of ministry/leadership experience.
  • Cost and scholarships: Get a full breakdown of great value tuition and fees costs and the multiple, generous scholarship opportunities for alumni, Baptist General Convention members, and strong applicants.
  • Apply to the Graduate School: Read about the application process and deadlines and learn about the admissions requirements to the Graduate School.

Start Your DMin Degree at Houston Christian University

The challenges of the contemporary world demand that the church has leaders who can rise to the occasion. Some have their heads in the clouds and others have them in the sand, but the church needs Kingdom-oriented leaders whose feet are firmly planted and heads alert to the unique shape of our modern setting.

If you’ve felt the need to expand the efficacy of your ministry, apply to the Doctor of Ministry degree program today.

Note: When you apply, the Doctor of Ministry is considered an “on campus” degree, but you only have to come to campus one week each semester.

Additional Information

Explore more detailed information about the Doctor of Ministry degree:

Key Dates:

  • Fall Intensive: September (last week)
  • Spring Intensive: March (first week)

Feel free to contact Richard Olds, the administrator of the DMin program, so he can help shape a program that fits your interests,, or call the DMin office at 281-649-3152.