Go Deeper

Fall 2024

As the Western world moves from the age of the New Atheists to the age of the shaman and the horoscope, how will Christians respond to the growing threat of New Age and occult ideologies infiltrating our culture? How can we prepare to make Christianity persuasive for people that are fascinated by angels but flippant towards the Trinity? What common ground can we share, and where do we draw a line in the sand? This topically guided and exegetically-focused course can help reorient us toward the most frequently forgotten topic of systematic theology.


Register Now for Angels & Demons$280 Early Bird, $300 after the semester begins


Study the Gospels and Acts with one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars. Dr. Craig Evans is well-known for his contribution to work on the Gospels, the Historical Jesus, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and archaeology of the New Testament. Dr. Craig Evans is the author of over 70 books and 600 journal articles on biblical studies. Anyone in Houston can join this class, which is held at Second Baptist Church’s Woodway Campus.*



Register Now for Gospels & Acts$100 Early Bird, $120 after the semester begins

Go Deeper classes are intended to virtual surveyors, though there may be some space for in-person classroom attendance. Speak with the instructor to see if in-person attendance is possible.