Wolf, Johann Jacob and Kariline Dorothea Ulmer, married 1881.

Wolf, Johann Jacob and Kariline Dorothea Ulmer, married 1881.


1881 German Bible published by Privilegirte Bible Ansalt, Stuttgart, Germany      Bible T12


  • Mary Cansern . Jume 25, 1899. Location: Meltina
  • Johann Jacob Wolf Bauer to Karoline Dorthea Ulmer. November 10, 1881.  Location: GrossAspach, Germany.


  • Karoline Dorthea. August 18, 1855.
  • Johann Jacob Wolf Bauer. January 11, 1858.
  • Wilhelm Gottlieb Wolf. February 15, 1882. Location: GrossAspach, Germany.
  • Loise Maria. August 22, 1886.
  • Anna Martha. February 11, 1888.
  • Jacob albert. January 5, 1889.  Location: Wilhelmsburg.
  • Emma Chrstina Linsatta (?). March 11, 1891. Christened June 1891 n Mettina.
  • Elsa Martha. Augustr 11, 1892. Christened January 8, 1893.  Location: Mettina
  • Child born October 6, 1900, died October 7,1900, 10 am.
  • Herman Johan. February 10, 1902.
  • Austin Friedrich, October 28, 1903.
  • Klara Christina Anna. October 16, 1906.
  • Ernst Ley Wolf. February 12, 1908.
  • Martha Coss Wolf. September 25, 1909.
  • Marle Linbath (?). December 15, 1911.


  • Wilhelm Gottlieb Wolf. January 12, 1909. Location: Goliad, Texas.
  • Herman Johan. August 31, 1903.  Buried September 1, 1903.
  • Klara Christina Anna. February 26, 1909.