Dunham Bible Museum

About the Museum

The Dunham Bible Museum, with its extensive collection of rare Bibles, is dedicated to telling the story of the most important book in the world. On public display are:

  • ancient manuscripts
  • decoratively illuminated medieval Scriptures
  • examples of the earliest printed Bibles
  • the earliest Bibles in English
  • the earliest Bibles printed in America
  • Bible translations from across the centuries and around the world.

The Museum’s creative exhibits awaken and enhance an appreciation of the history, preservation, and influence of the one Book most influential in individual lives and in the culture of civilizations.

Visit the Museum

Visitor and Contact Information

HCU alumni in the Bible Museum.

Contact Information

For more information, including information on scheduling group tours and presentations, contact:
Bible museum logo

Dr. Diana Severance, Director
The Dunham Bible Museum
Houston Christian University
7502 Fondren Road
Houston, TX 77074
Phone: (281) 649-3287
E-mail: dseverance@HC.edu

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