



Facsimile reprint of 1836 A New Hieroglyphic Bible for children, $8.00, plus $.68 tax. For mail orders, add $5.20 for shipping and handling . Books are available at the HCU Campus Bookstore and at the Dunham Bible Museum.

Booklets, illustrated in full color, are available for these special exhibits from the Dunham Bible Museum’s collection. Each booklet is $4.00, which includes tax.  By mail, please add $2 for shipping and handling.
God’s Word Endures Forever: Martin Luther & the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

Martin Luther book

Renaissance of the Bible: 500th Anniversary of Erasmus’ Greek Text, the Foundation for Reformation

Renaissance of the Bible

They Read the Same Bible: Bibles of the American Civil War

Bibles of the American Civil War

The Bible and the American Revolution

Bible and the American Revolution

Purchase Publications

Dunham Bible Museum News

If you would like to receive the Dunham Bible Museum News free via email, subscribe here. Browse earlier issues below.

Summer 2024

  • Hitting the Mark (slingstones)
  • A Man with a Vision
  • A Piece of the Past
  • Importance of the Bible to the Nation

Fall 2023

  • Discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls
  • Scribes and Scripture Conference
  • King James in Egypt
  • Three Martyrs under Henry VIII
  • Private Life of William Tyndale

Summer 2023

  • Reconstructing a Lectionary Fragment
  • Life of Jesus in 3D Art
  • Piece of the Past Essays –  2023Winners
  • The Kennicott Bible

Winter 2023

  • 25th Anniversary Celebration
  • ISBC at the Dunham Bible Museum
  • Astvacashunch (Armenian Bible)
  • Creating an alphabet for the Bible

Fall 2022

  • Let’s Celebrate ! – a 25th anniversary celebration
  • The Dunham Bible Museum at 25 – part 2
  • Bibles with Family Records
  • The Amazing History of the Seymour-Knightley Bible

Summer 2022

Winter 2022

  • 500th Anniversary of Luther’s translation of the New Testament into German
  • Dr. Jennifer McNutt to lecture on “The Bible of the Reformation”
  • New exhibit “Celebrating the Life of Jesus the Christ”
  • CSNTM visits the Dunham Bible Museum

Fall 2021

  • Dunham Bible Museum Lectures for 2021-2022 – on Tanakh and Reformation Bibles
  • Owners  of early New Testament Greek Texts in collection
  • Dunham Bible Museum Friends

Summer 2021

  • Tanakh Exhibit
  • Piece of the Past essay contest, 2021 winners
  • An Honor Graduate

Winter 2021

  • A Monument to God’s Deliverance: 17th century scroll of Esther
  • Advice for reading the Scriptures, from the first printed English Bible, 1535
  • Pilgrim William Brewster – Diplomat, Publisher, Preacher
  • The Living Word – on the history, influence and impact of the Bible

Fall 2020

  • A Friend Missed
  • The Pilgrim Fathers
  • The Pilgrim’s Governor – William Bradford
  • The Mayflower Compact and the Constitution
  • Hitchcock’s Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible/Thomas Nast

Summer 2020

  • One Small Candle
  • The Pilgrim Fathers
  • Luther’s German New Testament

Winter 2020

  • Why we Can trust the Bible
  • Early Map of Jerusalem
  • New Testament in Mankanya
  • John Q. Adams’ Advice to His Son
  • Bible Teaches How to Read History

Fall 2019

  • Bibles with Connections
  • New Displays on St. John’s and Gutenberg Bibles
  • Preserving the World’s Rares Books
  • Special Gifts at the Dunham Bible Museum
  • A Special Assistant

Summer 2019

  • 2019 Piece of the Past Winners
  • A Baskett Case
  • Ethiopian Awi Bible in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Sloan
  • Go Figure

Winter 2019

  • The World of Jesus
  • Celebrating The Saint John’s Bible
  • 1586 Actes and Monuments

Fall 2018

  • “The God Who Speaks”
  • Sternhold-Hopkins Psalms
  • Augustus Toplady Hymnal
  • King James Bible title page

Summer 2018

  • 1516 Psalter from Genoa
  • Trinity Lutheran, Klein Donates Large Print Bibles
  • A Special Volunteer at the Bible Museum
  • Piece of the Past, 2018

Winter 2018

  • Bach’s Bible Comes to the Dunham Bible Museum
  • Women and the Bible
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Bible
  • Helen Keller Given Bible by the American Bible Society

Fall 2017

  • October 31, 2017 – 500th Anniversary of the Reformation with Dr. Paul Maier
  • God’s Word Endures Forever: The Gun-Wad Bible and Luther’s Galatians
  • Luther, Tyndale, and the English Bible

Summer 2017

  • Dos-a-dos added to the Collection
  • 1st edition 1539 Taverner’s now in the Dunham Bible Museum
  • An Exhortacion to the Diligent Studye of the Holy Scripture Gathered out of the Bible
  • Update on The St. John’s Bible

Winter 2017

  • 2017 and a 500th Anniversary!
  • Sacred Songs & Solos

Fall 2016

  • 200 Years of the American Bible Society
  • St. John’s Bible, Volume 1: The Pentateuch

Summer 2016

  • Bellaire Central Baptist Church pulpit donated
  • Exhibit booklet on Renaissance of the Bible and Erasmus’ Greek text
  • First English edition of Erasmus’ Paraphrases
  • Newells donate McKinney manuscript

Winter 2016

  • 500th Anniversary of Erasmus’ Greek New Testament
  • McKinney Hymn discovered
  • 2 volumes of St. John’s Bible donated

Fall 2015

  • Archie and Linda Dunham’s Special Gift
  • Chamberlin Donates Bible Collection to Dunham Bible Museum
  • Harpers 1846 Illuminated Bible
  • Erasmus’ Bible – notice of Special exhibit and Conference
  • A Real Page-Turner
  • Student Assistants at the Museum

Summer 2015

  • Wenceslas IV Bible comes to HCU
  • One of the Most Extraordinary Undertakings of Our Time – the St. John’s Bible
  • The Heaven’s Declare the Glory of God
  • Dunham Bible Museum receives “Power of the Word” award
  • Piece of the Past 2015
  • Poems between old Bible leaves

Winter 2015

  • Year of The St. John’s Bible
  • Where is the Original Bible?
  • Burkitt’s Prayer before reading Scriptures
  • William Edgar – “Heaven in a Nightclub”

Fall 2014

  • Bible in Hawaiian
  • Charles Thomson: American Patriot and Bible Translator
  • Poem: “How Readest Thou?”
  • Upcoming events
    • Israel in Egypt
    • Refo 500
    • St. John’s Bible

Spring 2014

  • Piece of the Past Essay Winners
  • Socket Stones arrive at Museum
  • Jane Grey’s letter in her Greek New Testament
  • Cuneiform manuscript

Winter 2014

  • Explore the Story of the First English Bibles on Location in England
  • Top Archaeological Find in New Exhibit
  • Merrymount Bibles Beckon Visitors
  • Arabic Bible Added to the Collection
  • Historic Geneva Bible Presented to Dunham Bible Museum

Fall 2013

  • Thumb Bibles and Miniature Books
  • Early English Bible History tour planned
  • Archaeology Exhibit and Conference for 2014
  • In Memoriam – Gordon Severance

Summer 2013

  • And the Winner is – Piece of the Past Essays
  • They Read the Same Bible
  • Encomium: A Young Researcher Celebrates the Dunham Bible Museum, Dr. David Davis

Spring 2013

  • Francisco the Book Restorer
  • Gutenberg-Style Printing Press at the Dunham Bible Museum, Dr. John Hellstern
  • The National Treasure at the Dunham Bible Museum. Dr. Donald Brake
  • Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

Fall 2012

  • New exhibit: Celebrating the Life of Jesus: Three Centuries of Bible Art
  • The Bounty Bible
  • Burmese-English Bible Project
  • Faithful Servant – Doug Sanders

Summer 2012

  • “Piece of the Past” Essay Winners
  • Gordon and Diana Severance Lyceum Dedicated
  • “Unlawful English Scripture! – The Golden Legend
  • Visit to the American Bible Society

Winter 2012

  • Picturing the Word: Bible Illustrations of the 15th-16th centuries, Biblia Pauperum
  • Unique Chinese Bibles donated to Dunham Bible Museum
  • Thank you, Sally! for student assistant Sally Grimes

Fall 2011

  • Exhortation to the Study of the Holy Scripture from the 1541 Great Bible
  • New Acquisitions: Melanchthon’s 1572 “Chronicon Carionis” and “Criswell Study Bible”
  • A Scrapbook New Testament by Emily Taylor
  • Updates to website
  • KJVs in Texas

Summer 2011

  • Astronaut Jeff Williams
  • Houston Genealogical Forum’s Bible record transcriptions
  • Codex Sinaiticus facsimile
  • “Piece of the Past” essay winners
  • upcoming Conference KJV@400: A Story of Biblical Proportions

Spring 2011

  • KJV@400: From Hampton Court, around the Globe, and to the Moon
  • A Royal Monument of English Literature: How many copies of the 1611 King James Bible Remain?
  • King James’ Translation?
  • A Heritage of Worship in the Psalms

Fall/Winter 2010

  • From the Bronze Age to the Space Age
  • A Bible with Historic Texas Connections (Anson and Mary Jones Bible)

Summer 2010

  • Production Crew Films at Dunham Bible Museum – film to commemorate 400th Anniversary of King James Bible
  • New Exhibit Celebrates Geneva Bible
  • Freedom from Tyranny (Geneva Bible title page)

Spring 2010

  • HCU acquires the Brake-Hellstern Collection
  • Donald Brake and John Hellstern
  • Fragment of Early Bible Text Identified
  • They Read the Same Bible (exhibit of Civil War Bibles)
  • A Bible with a Courtly Connection
  • Houston Genealogical Forum Publishing Family Record Transcriptions
  • New printing of Wycliffe Bible available

September 2009

  • J.S. Bach’s Bible on Exhibit
  • Donations Expand Foreign Bible Collection
  • “Quirt Evans” Bible

June 2009

  • Burmese Bible Project
  • John Calvin at 500
  • Bible Rescued from the Bombings (1682 Dutch Bible)

January-March 2009

  • Celebrating the Life of Jesus, the Christ: Special Exhibit
  • Dunhams Help Expand Bible Museum’s Collection
  • Illuminating the Word; An exhibit of prints from The St. John’s Bible
  • Lincoln and the Bible

October – December 2008

  • An American Soldiers’ Bible Exhibit
  • Can you Help Identify this Window?
  • Church Pew Donated to Museum

July – September 2008

  • Celebrating a New Beginning
  • Dunham Bible Lecture Serries Launched: Drs. Charles Ryrie and Naseeb Shaheen

April – June 2008

  • Dedication of University Museums in the Morris Cultural Arts Center
  • Brake-Hellstern Collection
  • Books and Resources
  • The Designers and Fabricators
  • A Visual History of the English Bible (by Dr. Brake)

[In 2008, the Dunham Bible Museum News began to be published three times a year rather than quarterly.]
October – December 2007

  • Annals of the World comes to HCU
  • Between the Leaves: special exhibit
  • The Bible’s Broad Influence on American Civilization

July – September 2007

  • A Lone Survivor (New Testament printed in Philadelphia by Francis Bailey in 1780)
  • Influence of the Bible on Literature
  • The Pearl of Great Price, J.G. Whittier’s “The Vaudois Barbe”)
  • Museum’s Bible Collection Featured at Houston’s First Baptist Church

April – June 2007

  • Which Bible Version did Pocahontas Know?
  • Time for the Bible?
  • A 1625th Anniversary (Jerome’s Latin translation)

January – March 2007

  • Amazing Grace – Coming to a Theater Near You
  • An Inscription with Important Christian and Patriotic Connections (Doddridge’s Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul)
  • A Timely Illustration
  • Recent Acquisitions
  • In Memoriam: President Gerald Ford

October – December 2006

  • HCU Welcomes New President
  • Antiquities Collection Given to Bible Museum
  • Rembrandt’s 400 and Bonhoeffer’s 100!
  • Bonhoeffer on Bible Meditation
  • A Veterans’ Day Look at Soldiers Bibles
  • Folio Bibles Donated to Museum
  • Dr. Kitto Bible

July-September 2006

  • Dear Abby – 1774 (John Adams to his wife)
  • Astronaut’s Widow Visits HCU
  • 450 Years Later – the Scriptural Legacy of a Christian Martyr (Thomas Cranmer)
  • Monthly Psalm Reading
  • Cranmer on  Reading the Bible

April – June 2006

  • HCU’s Bible Museum – A Legacy and Challenge from president Hodo
  • 1660 King James Bible Comes to Museum
  • We’ve Been Asked: What’s a Polyglot Bible?
  • Thomas Scott Refutes The Da Vinci Code and The Gospel of James
  • Bibles with Connections (Personal histories of 1817 quarto Bible and 1829 Testament)
  • For Mother’s Day: “My Mother’s Bible”

January – March 2006

  • What Language Does God Speak?
  • Yield to the Word of God (Adoniram Judson)
  • 1806: a Bicentennial Exhibit
  • Ben Franklin Turns 300!
  • Museum Joins GHCVB
  • The Greatest Missionary (Cameron Townsend article)
  • The Naming of Ivory Soap

October – December 2005

  • Tyndale Production Cancelled
  • Christopher Columbus and the Bible
  • Why a Bible Museum? Catch the Vision
  • Woodrow Wilson on the Bible in America

July – September 2005

  • Let There Be Light (William Tyndale’s Bible)
  • William Tyndale Coming to HCU (“Fire for the Ploughman”)
  • Words or Phrases First Introduced into the English Language in Early English Bible Translations
  • The Most Important Book in the English Language
  • The Rest of the Story: The Apollo Prayer League
  • A Special Group – Our Volunteers: In Their Own Words
  • Tyndale was the First – But not the Last

April – June 2005

  • The Dunham Family Bible in America Museum
  • The Bible in Space
  • Red Letter Edition
  • We Were Asked (Gutenberg’s Bible in inaugurations, “The Soldiers Prayer Book” or “Deck of Cards”)
  • A Self-Interpreting Bible (John Brown)
  • Using Scripture to Understand Scripture
  • The Pony Express Bible
  • 1837 Children’s Bible for Sale

January – March 2005

  • “I Do Solemnly Swear…” (Presidents and Inauguration Bibles0
  • The Bible and Oaths
  • Washington’s Inaugural Bible
  • Go Texan! (Bible’s Role in Settlement of Texas0
  • Are you Regularly Reading Your Bible?
  • New Film on Bible in America Museum

October – December 2004

  • The Pilgrim’s Bible (Geneva Bble)
  • Family Record Project
  • The Old and New Testament Dissected (from Matthew Carey 1801 Bible)

July – September 2004

  • Medieval Torah Scroll Comes to Museum
  • Ronald Reagan and the Bible
  • Noah Webster’s Bible and its Story

April – June 2004

  • 400th anniversary of the beginning of the King James Version, 1604
  • Latest Acquisition: Codex Vaticanus
  • For Father’s Day” John Q. Adams’ Letter to His Son
  • Picturing the Word (Illustrations in American Bibles)
  • A Prayer Before the Reading of the Holy Scripture

January – March 2004

  • Abraham Lincoln and the Bible
  • Website update
  • Advice on Christian Marriage
  • What’s in a Name? (popularity of Biblical name for babies)

October – December 2003

  • 9/11, 1777
  • The Bible in America Collection
  • Jonathan Edward’s 300th Birthday
  • Isaiah’s word for today (Karen Hughes)
  • Curator Appointed for Bible in America Museum
  • Digitized Museums
  • How Many Bible Names Are There in Texas?