Dr. Tyler McNabb, assistant professor of philosophy, published the article “Reformed Epistemology and the Pandora’s Box Objection: The Vaiśeṣika and Mormon Traditions,” in Philosophia Christi 18/2 (2016): 451-465. Erik Baldwin co-authored the article. The article furthered McNabb and Baldwin’s project of applying Plantinga’s epistemology to different world religions. They did a comparative study of Mormonism and Vaiśeṣika Hinduism and analyzed whether these religions can utilize Plantinga’s epistemology in order to claim that their beliefs about God, if true, are probably warranted. Specifically, McNabb and Baldwin argue that they cannot.
Dr. McNabb also published “From Theology to Theodicy: A Defense of Felix Culpa,” in Evil and a Selection of Its Theological Problems, eds. John Gilhooly and Ben Arbour (New Castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017). Erik Baldwin also co-authored the article. In this article, McNabb and Baldwin defend Alvin Plantinga’s Felix Culpa Theodicy (the idea that it is likely that evil would exist on theism, given that the best sort of world God could actualize would be a world that would have the events of the incarnation and the atonement) from Stewart Goetz Perfect Happiness Objection.