Most college students are eagerly looking forward to the holidays as a welcome break from their college life. The break from school work, projects and readings is a chance to help your student recover from the stressful semester, and it provides them the opportunity to get their well-deserved rest. Your student is probably anxious to be home, settle in and enjoy their free time away from college. You are excited to have them back, but there are a few things you can consider to help your student enjoy their holiday stay.
Recovery Mode
The holiday break is a great time to intentionally recover from their busy college schedule. The last few days or weeks of school are a very stressful time for your student, with papers, exams, and social events looming at the end of the semester. You may find your student exhausted as they have been busy, stressed and may not have gotten much sleep. Your student now wants to do nothing for the first couple of days but try to catch up on sleep. This is a great time to help your student decompress from their responsibilities as a college student, so consider letting them sleep to their heart’s content for at least a few days. After all, sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF).
Reconnecting Time
Once your student has recovered from the intense semester, they may want to head out and spend time with old friends to catch up and share the stories of their college experience. Your student may want to spend quality time and reconnect with their friends. The extended break from school is a great time to help your student get a much-needed break as they spend time with loved ones and family members. Since the holidays are often a hectic time for the family, help your student transition back to your home. This is also an excellent time to check in with your student and make the most of the intentional conversations with them. Reserve some time to have a discussion about their academic performance to help them be prepared for the next semester. It is a great way to reacquaint yourself with your student and make the most of the winter break.
Getting Ahead
With the holiday season upon us, some students might want to use this time to make extra money. As we all know, college is expensive. As a parent to a college student, you can help your student find a temporary job to assist with personal spending money, holiday gifts, or for college. Great options include department stores and staffing agencies. Another possibility of helping your student get ahead is to encourage them to take advantage of the winter fast-term during January 2nd through the 12th. This can be an opportunity to take a class with a new professor or try a new subject. Also, this can be seen as a chance to get a few extra credits in or boost their GPA before the next semester. If your student enrolls in fast term, you can make them aware that the courses are intensive with a lot of material covered in a short amount of time. If they need extra support, HCU’s Academic Support and Resources is the place to go for a study space and academic support.
Department of Student Success and Advising Supports HCU Students
The holiday break can easily become a difficult transition time between parents and returning students. It is important for you and your student to know that the department of Student Success and Advising is here to support your student. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can answer questions about fast-term classes and help your student find a balance between the need to relax and recharge while preparing for the next semester.
This post was provided by the Department of Student Success. Find out more about the Department of Student Success at