Parent and Family

Welcome to the Husky Family

College is a busy time, full of new experiences, learning opportunities, exciting events and new friends. While all of this is new and exciting, it’s important not to forget about old friends, and of course, family. For many parents, it’s difficult to go from speaking with their children every day to speaking with them whenever they get the time to call, which, for many students, isn’t very often.

At HCU, we think family is extremely important, so we do everything we can to make sure our students don’t “fall off the face of the earth” when they come to college. We offer a variety of resources and events, like our Family Weekend, that give parents a chance to participate in their student’s university experience. Take a look around!

Parent Resources

  • We are here to assist you and your family throughout your student’s undergraduate career. Our Parent & Family Newsletter is sent out each quarter. The newsletters lets you know what is happening on campus and what opportunities are available to help your student enhance his or her experience at HCU.

    If you are not already receiving the newsletters…
    Sign up now!

  • We have a central email that all parents can use to ask questions about university life and events. Please email and we will respond in 24 hours (during university business hours).

  • Family Weekend is one of the first big events on campus for students and their families and friends. The variety of activities make Family Weekend a special time for students to share their new environment, and welcome everyone to their home away from home. Whether you live near or far, we want you to join your HCU family for a weekend of fun! This event will be packed with numerous activities, great meals and a chance to cheer on the Husky Football team! There’s something for everyone!

    Save the Date for Family Weekend! October 5th, 2024

Benefits of Being an HCU Parent

As an HCU parent, you are part of our community that promotes the success of the students we all care so much about. As a parent of a current student, you receive the following benefits:

  • University Information

    The Parent and Family Quarterly Email Updates are designed to give you the timely information you need that your student might forget to tell you. You’ll see articles that update you on the happenings at HCU, give you information about what’s affecting your student’s life, and fill you in on important deadlines.