Student Accounts Holds and Fees


Hold Type
FS: Student Account Delinquency

Reason: Student either has an overall balance greater than $750 or past due balance(s) from previous terms

Restrictions: Student will not be able to make changes to enrollment/registration or receive transcripts/diploma

Pay overdue balance

This hold should expire if balance is zero or less

TD: Transcript/Diploma

Reason: Student has a current balance less than $750

Restrictions: Student will not be able to receive transcripts/diploma

Pay balance

This hold should expire if balance is zero or less

PP: Payment Plan Delinquency

Reason: Student has missed at least one payment plan installment

Restrictions: Student will not be able to make changes to enrollment/registration or receive transcripts/diploma

Pay missed payment(s)

NC: No Check

Reason: Student has had two or more check/ACH payments returned

Restrictions: Student will not be able to use a check/ACH payment method, make changes to enrollment/registration or receive transcripts/diploma

Pay with a cash or card payment

ER: Active eRefund Profile

Reason: Student has enrolled in an electronic refund (direct deposit) profile

Restrictions: None


PL: Active Payment Plan

Reason: Student is enrolled in an active payment plan

Restrictions: None


AE: Active Employee

Reason: Student is an active employee that may be eligible for tuition remission benefits

Restrictions: None


WO: Write Off of Charges

Reason: Student has a balance from three or more years ago

Restrictions: Student will not be able to make changes to enrollment/registration or receive transcripts/diploma

Contact our office to pay overdue balance

CA: Collections Agency

Reason: Student has a balance from three or more years ago that has been sent to a collections agency

Restrictions: Student will not be able to make changes to enrollment/registration or receive transcripts/diploma

Contact collections agency to pay overdue balance

Hold Appeals

To request a Student Accounts Appeal, you must contact the Student Accounts Office ( Reviews are given on a case-by-case basis.


Late Payment Fee

Missed payment plan installments and late payment plan payments will result in a $25 late payment fee.

Late Registration Fee

Students registering on or after the first day of class will automatically receive a $150 late registration fee. See Important Dates page for more information.

Late Settlement Fee

Students who are not financially settled by the census date will be charged a $150 late settlement fee.
See Important Dates page for more information on deadlines and Guide to Financial Settlement for more information on financial settlement.

Plan Modification Fee

The first modification will not incur a fee, any additional plan modifications within a semester will result in a $10 plan modification fee for each occurrence.
See Payment Portal page for more information.

Payment Plan Enrollment Fee

A $50 enrollment fee is required to enroll in any payment plans. This fee increases to $75 if enrollment happens after the census date.
See Payment Portal page for more information.

Returned Payment Fee

Check/ACH and chargeback payments that are returned or unsuccessful will result in a $40 penalty fee.