Financing Your Study Abroad Experience

We know that when it comes to studying abroad, many students have questions about financing the opportunity. There are a number of external scholarship and databases that are often underutilized that can help supplement of cover the costs of a study abroad experience. When looking for external scholarships, keep these categories in mind:

  • Merit – these awards are based on a student’s academic, athletic, or other abilities, or extracurricular or community service activities
  • Student – these may be based on factors such as gender, race, religion, or other student-specific factors
  • Location – these are scholarships awarded by a specific country to students planning to study abroad in that country
  • Subject – these are scholarships awarded based on the student’s program, major, field of study, or research topic

The following list and databases are meant to help assist students as they begin searching for scholarships to help supplement the costs of studying abroad. It is not meant to be a comprehensive list, and students are encouraged to search on their own for additional funding.

Become a Global Husky

The Spahr-Tan Center for International Education is excited to be able to offer students studying abroad the opportunity to become a Global Husky. The Global Husky Program offers scholarships to HCU students studying abroad on approved summer programs.

Scholarship Sources