Possible Section 504 Classroom Accommodations
Academic Accommodations are determined on an individual, case-by-case basis. The following are examples (but not limited to) of possible classroom academic accommodations.
- Assistance with lecture/class notes
- Use of digital/tape recorder in class
- Explanation of instructions
- Explanation of assignments
- Extra time for oral response
- Extra time for written response (Director to specify time)
- Oral exams or alternative response format
- Use of test document, rather than Scantron, for exam response
- Preferential seating
- Extra time for assignments/projects (Director to specify time)
- Use of 12 point or larger type fonts
- Use of lined paper to answer essay or math questions
- Use of graph paper in mathematics classes
- Use of interpreter
- Extended time for testing (Director to specify time)
- Exams/Testing in quiet area
- Facilitation of electronic textbooks, if available from publisher
- Exams using computer
- Magnified computer screen
- Use of electronic spell checker
- Others as specified by Director