AMS Luncheon Features Historian J.P. Bryan
The American Museum Society Luncheon, “100 Years of History,” was held Feb. 10 at The Junior League of Houston. The annual event benefits HBU’s American Museum Society. J.P. Bryan, founder and chairman of Torch Energy Advisors, Inc., historian and preservationist, served as the keynote speaker. He reviewed the period of 1820 through 1920, and shared little-known details of key turning points in Texas history.

Covenant Society Luncheon Serves to Honor Those Who Contribute with Planned Gift

HBU honored members of the Covenant Society who have made planned gifts to the University during the Covenant Society Luncheon, held Feb. 19. The gifts help make an HBU education possible for many students.
HBU president, Dr. Robert Sloan, affirmed that HBU offers an unparalleled experience for numerous students. “The best thing has been the constant revival of our deep convictions,” he said. “We are deeply committed to being unapologetically Christian. It’s a unique place.”
Sharon Saunders, VP of Advancement and University Relations, thanked each member for their contributions. Among attendees was Steve Pickett ’80. “Just like they’ve helped me (at HBU), I’ve helped others,” he said. “I wanted to further the legacy of my family. The scholarships are for my parents and for the future generations. I really appreciate the foundation HBU gave me to contribute to society.”
The Covenant Society was created to recognize and to thank individuals and couples who have invested in HBU’s future through a planned gift.
Gift plans that confer membership eligibility include:
- Bequest (will)
- Charitable gift annuity
- Charitable lead trust
- Charitable remainder trust
- Life estate
- Living trust
- Life insurance policy
- IRA, annuity, or qualified pension plan
For more information or to notify us of your planned gift, please contact Tommy Bambrick at 281-649-3407. Visit
Guest Speaker Brian Kilmeade Talks About Texas History
HBU and the George & Barbara Bush Foundation cohosted Brian Kilmeade for “An Evening with Brian Kilmeade: Sam Houston & The Alamo Avengers.” Brian Kilmeade is a television and radio presenter for Fox News. On weekdays, he cohosts the morning show, “Fox & Friends.” He hosts the Fox News Radio program, “The Brian Kilmeade Show.” Additionally, he is the coauthor of fiction and nonfiction books.
Kilmeade’s latest book explores the formative times that shaped the state of Texas. A Long Island, New York resident, Kilmeade threw himself into learning about the Lone Star State after writing a series of other national history books.
“Texas always matters – it’s still a destination everybody wants to come to,” Kilmeade said to the moderator, Justice Ken Wise, and the audience.
Kilmeade shared about Texas great Sam Houston, and the turning points in our nation’s history. “I’m fascinated by American history. To me, it’s the closest thing to time-travel,” he said. “If you want to care about your country and have a new appreciation, you have to know where you came from. In America’s history, we always find the right person at the right time to lead us in the right way. I said to myself, ‘If I could tell this story in a compelling way, I’d have an audience.’”
From miraculous and improbable victories to little-known backstories, the history of Texas is rich. He said, “We’re telling your story, and it’s a story I think the other states will understand – and I hope it’s something that people understand before they move here, so they’re not coming here to change Texas.”
Dunham Bible Museum
The HBU Dunham Bible Museum hosted Dr. Bill Mounce on March 5 for “Why We Can Trust the Bible.” Mounce is president of and has worked on committees for the English Standard Version Bible and updates to the NIV.
Dr. Mounce considered questions about the reliability of the Scripture texts, alleged contradictions in Scriptures, and the trustworthiness of Bible translations.
HBU Theology Conference
The HBU Theology Conference was hosted by the HBU Houston Theological Seminary at Second Baptist Church, Woodway, on March 6 and 7. Drs. Ralph West and Bill Mounce discussed how the Apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus still speak to modern pastoral contexts.