Integrated Behavioral Studies (BA)

“Do not be anxious about anything …” ~ Philippians 4:6

It’s common to describe our contemporary world as the “age of anxiety,” so those who want to meet this challenge need specific set of skills to serve holistically, and the Integrated Behavioral Studies degree prepares graduates to meet these needs. In particular, this degree allows graduates to gain a solid foundation in both theological knowledge and contemporary psychological concepts so you can help others flourish holistically. The focus of the program is for those who want to pursue counseling and social work, but it also provides a foundation for those serving in traditional ministries.

Most students preparing for ministry pursue some type of graduate degree to help them further gain licensure and expertise. Graduates are ideally situated to pursue further graduate study in Psychology, Christian Counseling, and Ministry areas. We’re especially excited about the opportunities provided by Gideon Institute of Christian Psychology and Counseling and our focus on Christian Psychology.

The Integrated Behavioral Studies degree is 48 hours and includes the following requirements:

Integrated Courses (6 hours)
CHRI 1333 The Good Life and Happiness
CHRI 4365 Integrated Psychology Capstone

Theology Courses (21 hours)
CHRI 3301 Old Testament Theology
CHRI 3302 New Testament Theology
CHRI 3311 Hermeneutics
CHRI 3314 History of Christianity
CHRI 3325 Christian Vocation
CHRI 4335 Systematic Theology
CHRI 4345 Christian Ethics

Psychology Courses (21 hours)*
PSYC 2301 Introductory Statistics
PSYC 2364 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 3313 Human Growth and Development
PSYC 4310 History and Theoretical Systems
PSYC 4334 Psychology of Religion
PSYC 4323 Theories of Counseling  OR  PSYC 4330 Psychology of Learning
PSYC 4322 Cognitive Psychology  OR  PSYC 4352 Physiological Psychology
*Note: PSYC 1313 General Psychology is a prerequisite for these classes and should be taken as part of the general education core.

Integrated Behavioral Studies Degree Plan

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