Previous Installation of Officers


Like the spring, The Guild Installation of Officers is a special time of new beginnings. We welcome those serving on our new Guild Board and thank them for giving their best to The Guild and Houston Christian University.

  • The Ladies of the Guild attended The Installation Coffee on Friday, May 12, 2023, at the home of President and Mrs. Sloan. It was a beautiful morning, and the lovely event was a wonderful reunion for the members to be back together in an intimate and gorgeous setting.

    Members were greeted as they arrived, and they enjoyed fellowship time, and they enjoyed the delicious food.

    The event was co-chaired by Cooke Peeler and Deany Meinke along with the help of Shirley Asel, Beverly Boykin, Kandy Brittain, Ann Bussey, Kristi Cerling, Pamela Ferrell, Helen Laughlin, Janet McGuire, Carolyn Moreno, Anne Roper, and Sharon Saunders who set up a bountiful buffet of savory and sweet refreshment for the ladies to enjoy.

    Jeanne Walker, 2022-2023 Guild President, welcomed everyone warmly and said it was an honor for her to serve and to continue another year.  She introduced Debra Perich who said a prayer of thanks for the Guild members, this meeting and for the coming year.

    President Walker continued, expressing that throughout the year, we have shared many fun, exciting and fabulous events. She thanked the chairs and board members this past year that have worked tirelessly with her. She thanked the underwriting committee, Elizabeth Stevenson, Lisa Ammerman and Cheryl Bruyere, along with the help of Patti Bailey, who did an incredible job. She thanked The Guild members for their donations to the Silver Tea, next introducing Dr. Robert Sloan, happily announcing that The Guild has awarded twenty-three annual scholarships and three endowed scholarships for 2022-2023 with total dollars awarded of $69,000.

    Dr. Sloan expressed his appreciation and thanked all the members for their service to Houston Christian University. He also spoke briefly about the university’s new name.

    Beverly Boykin did the honor of installing the new officers and committee chairs for 2023-2024.   President, Jeanne Walker’s scripture verse for this year is “Be Joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” 1Thessalonians 5:16. Beverly Boykin gave an inspiring message and continued to install the rest of the new officers, prayerfully asking that they and The Guild continue to be supportive, generous givers, doers of good works and servants for the University.

    President Walker presented outgoing board with a gift of thanks, an Angel tea light holder, asking that the little Angel shine upon their homes, filling their days with JOY- knowing that she stands on guard for each to help them smile all year thru.”  She asked that they be thankful for everything, pray continually, and rejoice always. She reminded all new chairs to pick up their event notebook before leaving and Reminder – and everyone to send in your Guild renewal.

    Executive Director, Sharon Saunders concluded our time together by praising all the members for helping to raise almost $70,000 for scholarships this past year!

    The Guild President Jeanne Walker with Beverly Boykin

    View 2023 Installation Photo Gallery

  • The Ladies of the Guild attended The Installation Coffee on Friday, May 13, 2022, at the home of President and Mrs. Sloan. It was a beautiful morning and the lovely event was a wonderful reunion for the members to be back together in an intimate and gorgeous setting.

    The event was co-chaired by Gena Wilimitis and Lynn Kiesewetter along with the help of Ann Bussey, Patti Bailey, Judy Childress, Cookie Peeler, Debra Perich, Jan Witham, and Rhonda Ekholm who set up a bountiful buffet of savory and sweet refreshment for the ladies to enjoy.

    Judy Craig, our outgoing President, welcomed everyone warmly and said it was an honor for her to serve. She introduced Dr. Sloan and presented him with gifts from the Guild of 27 scholarships: 19 annual and 8 endowed! He, in turn, presented Judy with a mounted and framed biblical scripture from a Pre-1650 King James Bible, and Galatians 2:20 is the highlighted verse. He also thanked all of us for our service to Houston Christian University.

    Cheryl Kaminski did the honor of installing the new officers and committee chairs for 2022-23. Our new President, Jeanne Walker’s scripture verse for this year is “Be Joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” 1Thessalonians 5:16. Cheryl gave an inspiring message explaining the meaning of the verse. Having Joyful Hearts and Being Thankful Always is our focus for this year as The Guild continues to be supportive, generous givers, doers of good works and servants for the University.

    Jeanne presented each of her new officers with a Flower and Vine Design ornament with the scripture verse 1 Thessalonians 5:16 painted on it.

    Executive Director, Sharon Saunders concluded our time together by praising all of the members for helping to raise more than $100,000 for scholarships this past year! It was a joyful occasion.

    Jeanne Walker, Judy Craig and Cheryl Kaminski

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  • Ladies of the HCU Guild were overjoyed to be back together and attend The Guild’s Installation Coffee on May 14, 2021 at the beautiful Belin Chapel in the Morris Cultural Arts Center. The Guild President, Judy Craig, welcomed the 2021-2022 Guild board. The event was co-chaired by Tommie Lejeune and Lynn Tyger.

    Dr. David Kirkland, the Chairman of the Department of Music and Vocal Program Coordinator, together with the accompaniment of Dr.  Alina Klimaszewska, a faculty member from the Department of Music, began our program. We were greatly blessed as they performed “dal labbro il canto estasiato,” a lovely Italian aria by Verdi from his opera Falstaff.

    Judy Craig welcomed Kathy Lee as our guest speaker who conducted the very inspiring Installation Ceremony for the incoming officers. Our returning President presented her new board with an adorable flashlight to help our lights shine our love for Christ and HCU.

    Judy’s scripture for The Guild this year is “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16.

    Judy Craig and Guest Speaker, Kathy Lee

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  • The annual Guild Installation Coffee customarily held in May was canceled this year due to impending inclement weather.  That did not deter the Guild ladies, however, who regrouped on June 4 to continue the tradition in a less formal manner…and were blessed with a beautiful sunny day!

    The multifaceted event began with an inspiring message by Carolyn Little focusing on “trust.”  This was in keeping with Guild President Cheryl Kaminski’s selected Scripture for the coming year, Isaiah 26:3:  “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

    Sharon Saunders presented Cheryl with a gift from the University as she begins her second and final year as President.  The ladies adjourned for a wonderful buffet luncheon followed by a business meeting marking the official kickoff of the 2019-2020 season.

    The day was filled with warm fellowship, new friendships, and good food. The ladies departed with an eager anticipation of an exciting and eventful year ahead for The Guild.

    This lovely event is being chaired by Gay Keys and Sue Marion and assisted by their wonderful committee.

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  • Ladies of The Guild enjoyed the Installation Coffee on May 11, 2018 at the home of President and Mrs. Sloan. The lovely event was chaired by Rhonda Ekholm and Jodi Eby. Assisting with the brunch were Jane Ann Bickham, Nancy Penney, Cookie Peeler, Anne Roper, Debra Perich and Judy Childress who furnished delicious refreshments. To add to the beautifully arranged table were gorgeous flower arrangements. The variety of foods, the beautiful weather and fellowship with members and guests made for a very special event.

    Guild President Ruth Alford presented The Guild’s gift to Sharon Saunders. Dr. Sloan next presented Ruth with a framed Bible verse from a 1600’s Bible as gratitude for her two years of service. Dr. Sloan gave a very interesting and informative update on HCU, as well as mentioning the graduation ceremonies to be held the following day. Peggye Jane Gibson gave a very inspiring speech and lovely, heartwarming introduction of The Guild’s incoming President, Cheryl Kaminski. Cheryl emotionally thanked everyone for their confidence in her and remarked that she is certainly looking forward to working with all of the ladies and this wonderful organization. Her theme was “faith of the mustard seed”, as round in Matthew where it is written that nothing is impossible and the smallest of seeds becomes the largest of plants. We look forward to serving this devoted, wonderful incoming President.

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  • Ladies of the HCU Guild enjoyed The Installation Coffee on May 12, 2017 at 10 am in the home of President and Mrs. Sloan. The lovely event was co-chaired by Betty Vernon and Jeanne Walker, along with the help of Debbie Andrews, Cookie Peeler, Lisa Hartman, Kathleen Evans, Jane Ann Bickham, Colleen Fellows, Janet McGuire, Kathy Thompson, and Judy Childress who prepared a delicious menu. The beautiful table setting was centered with lovely flower arrangements and special dishes prepared by the committee.
    Ruth Alford, our President, presented the Guild’s gifts to the University to Sharon Saunders. (Dr. Sloan was unable to be with us). Anne Roper conducted the very inspiring Installation Ceremony for the 2017-2018 officers. Ruth’s scripture for this year is “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6. Anne’s presentation likened the Guild to conditions of the heart. The heart of the Guild is a “ Servant’s Heart”: supporting, generous giving, fruitful, good works, humility and service. Ruth presented each of her new officers with a cross, made of white plaster enhanced with gold paint with a heart in the center. These were created by the citizens of Brookwood.
    Sharon Saunders provided us with an update of the progress and vision of HCU. It was a very special occasion for all who attended. It was a most heart filled day.

  • On Friday, May 13, 2016, The Guild Installation Coffee signaled the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.  Jane Ann Bickham and Judy Childress, chairs of the event, and their committee hosted a lovely Installation celebration at the President’s Home for more than 70 officers, members and guest.

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    2015-2016 Installation of Officers

    On May 15, 2015, The Guild Installation Coffee signaled the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Nancy Shomette & Kathy Thompson, chairs of the event, and their committee hosted a lovely Installation celebration at the President’s Home for more than 70 officers, members and guest.

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    2014-2015 Installation of Officers

    The home of President and Mrs. Sloan was a beautiful setting for our Installation Coffee on May 9, 2014. Guests enjoyed delicious refreshments provided by Co-chairs, Janet McGuire and Colleen Fellows, along with their committee – Nancy Shomette, Peggy Boyd, Kay Schmidt, Jane Ann Bickham, Patti Mark, Jody Weaver, Margo Cannom, Helen Perry, Ruth Ann Williamson and Deany Meinke.

    Outgoing President Debra Perich presented The Guild’s gifts to Dr. Sloan. He then surprised Debra with a framed pre-1650 King James Version Folio leaf from the Duham Bible Museum collection containing one of Debra’s favorite scriptures: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

    Betty Vernon, Jan Witham’s mother, presented each Guild officer and committee chair a vintage cup and saucer, unique to their respective roles in The Guild. It was a very memorable ceremony!

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  • 2013-2014 Installation of Officers

    The Installation Coffee for the 2013-2014 Executive Board and Committee Chairs was held in the President’s Home on campus at HCU on May 10, 2013, hosted by HCU First Lady, Sue Sloan.  Co-Chairs Sharon Corry and Colleen Fellows planned an elegant event with the help of their committee:  Jane Ann Bickham, Peggy Boyd, Peggye Jane Gibson, Pam Lucas, Janet McGuire, Carolann Moore, Kay Schmidt, Beverly Terrell and Ruth Ann Williamson.  The food was prepared by members of this committee and was done in true HCU Guild fashion!

    HCU President, Dr. Robert Sloan, enjoyed visiting with the many members of the Guild and gave an update of the University’s progress to date.  Dr. Sloan presented Guild President Debra Perich with a gift of appreciation for her service and leadership at the completion of her first year as president.

    Peg Harman served as Installer to the Executive Board and led the Installation with a beautiful theme for service to Jesus Christ, the One whom we truly serve with our many talents (“we are many parts, but we are all one body”.)  Peg installed President Debra Perich into her second year as President, presenting her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and installed each Board Member, reading to them the duties of their position from The Guild ByLaws.  In keeping with her theme for service, President Debra Perich installed the Committee Chairs and presented each  Board Member and Committee Chair with a monogrammed apron in HCU colors which reads:

     “Blessed to Serve – HCU Guild” and the chosen Scripture for this year:
    Isaiah 6:8
    “I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send …?’
    and I said, ‘Here I am Lord; send me!’ ”

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  • 2012-2013 Installation of Officers

    On May 11, 2012, Anne Roper, outgoing president, presented our gifts to HCU. Sharon Saunders, The Guild’s Executive Director, accepted the gifts on behalf of the University. Sharon also presented Anne Roper with a traditional gift, a charm of the seal of the University, recognizing her service as President of The Guild. Cindy Duffy, using Debra Perich’s theme of service, installed the officers with encouraging words and presented each of them with a silver serving piece. Debra followed by recognizing her committee chairs in the same way. Our new president also presented each of her board members a special scripture on service. As we begin our new Guild year in supporting HCU, we are grateful for the service of our ladies who give of their time and resources. It was indeed a beautiful morning!

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  • 2011-2012 Installation of Officers

    Seventy-five members attended The Guild Installation Coffee held in the beautiful home of Sherry Smith on May 12, 2011. The installation for the new 2011-2012 Guild Board was co-chaired by Janice Good and Sue Manning and supported by a wonderful group of 17 committee members. Everyone enjoyed the delicious assortment of food and the beautiful centerpiece arranged by Kandy Brittain who provided flowers from her very own yard.

    Sharon Corry, the outgoing president, presented our gifts to HCU, and Sharon Saunders accepted the gifts on behalf of the university. Marsha Eckermann did a beautiful job officiating at the installation ceremony. Marsha presented each incoming officer with a flower and compared that person’s character traits to those of the flower chosen to represent her. Needless to say, everyone enjoyed another opportunity to socialize with the wonderful ladies of The Guild.

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  • 2010-2011 Installation of Officers



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  • 2009-2010 Installation of Officers



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