Faculty Services from Moody Library

The Library presents a wealth of information to create meaning assignments as well as to help you and your students learn how to be better researchers. You can always call the Library Circulation Desk at 281-649-3304. Reference Desk is open between 7:30 AM and 9:00 PM (7:00 pm in the summer). You can call the desk at 281-649-3180 or email reference desk.

How can the library equip our faculty?

We can do both short and long presentations depending on your needs. Here are some ways we can help:

New Faculty LibGuide – get an over of library services to fill your research needs and that of your students.

  • Information Literacy and Critical Thinking Modules – There’s no other way to say it. This is a great resource that can be added to your Blackboard content page. You can pick from over 60 video or tutorial modules you want and add into Blackboard at the point. There are also quizzes that are available that tie directly into the Blackboard grade book. Here is the video guide that shows you how to do it. Feel free to visit and review the entire collection and see how they can be a benefit for your students!
  • Curriculum Builder – an outstanding way to easily add and make the library vast digital resources to your Blackboard course content. This includes articles and E-books. Check out our self-guided tutorial to see how easy it is!
  • Learn which databases and other resources that can help most for a specific assignment.
  • Learn how to phrase searches for the most relevant results.
  • Learn about e-book resources.
  • Learn how to better use the library catalog.
  • Learn how to utilize database resources by emailing articles, saving articles, creating links to journal articles for inclusion in term papers.
  • Learn about resources for tests and measures.

What information resources are online?

The library offers an organized host of online services that are just a click away. What do we offer?

What library services are available online?