Faculty and Staff of the Moody Library
Moody Library
Riley, Dean, MALS
Senior Librarian
Professor in Library Science
Primary Responsibilities:
CloudSearch and database management, web pages, proxy server, library automation, dissertation management, overseeing book/ebook acquisitions and cataloging, and digital content creation.
Senior Librarian
Professor in Library Science
Primary Responsibilities:
CloudSearch and database management, web pages, proxy server, library automation, dissertation management, overseeing book/ebook acquisitions and cataloging, and digital content creation.
Moody Library 215
Fance, Kristin, MLIS
Associate Professor in Library Science
Primary Responsibilities:
Interlibrary Loan and Reference; content creation.
Associate Professor in Library Science
Primary Responsibilities:
Interlibrary Loan and Reference; content creation.
Moody Library 216
Moody Library; Circulation Desk, Faculty Reserves