Summer 2020 Message from Dr. Robert Sloan for The Pillars Dr. Robert Sloan shares a special video message in the Summer 2020 Digital Issue of The Pillars magazine with faculty/staff and students in the midst of the…
Just Can't Wait for Fall 2020 at HBU All of us have been affected by the recent, global pandemic, either directly or indirectly. For HBU, it meant we were required to quickly transition the mode…
HBU Alumna and Student Serve with Samaritan’s Purse NYC Field Hospital Two Husky medical professionals served this spring at what became a ground zero for treating COVID-19-positive patients. Samaritan’s Purse, a humanitarian organization led by Franklin Graham, stepped…
2020 Honors Convocation Award Recipients 2020 Honors Convocation Award Recipients This year, in lieu of an on-campus program, Honors Convocation will honor our students who are receiving awards through acknowledgement online and through award…
University Response During COVID-19 As Spring Break 2020 drew to a close, HBU, like the rest of the country, dealt with a new reality. The University issued directives that the following…
Houston-Area Alumni Serve as Frontline COVID-19 Workers HBU Nursing alumni have shown incredible leadership and compassion during the COVID-19 crisis as they have served the Houston area. Pablo Vasquez Pablo Vasquez ’02 learned early…
HBU Director Named NAFSA 2020 Advocate of the Year Shannon Bedo, HBU director of International and Veteran Student Services, has been named the NAFSA 2020 Advocate of the Year. With more than 10,000 members worldwide, NAFSA:…
Hall of Heroes These are just a few of the many HBU graduates who work in the medical field, as first responders, or in law enforcement.
Remote and Online Education Offer Special Immunity When HBU began its Pampell Online Division in 2017, University leaders could not have foreseen that the Blackboard platform would be a godsend to traditional instruction nearly…
Husky Athletes Stay in Game-Ready Condition In March, HBU Athletics adjusted to a new normal and the decision from the Southland Conference to cancel remaining spring sports competitions. With student-athletes off campus, HBU…
HBU Golfer Creates "Indoor Golf Challenge" Patrik Jericha ’20, like many HBU students, found himself in a new routine when classes were moved to remote delivery in March. The HBU golfer and international…
HBU Welcomes Tim Tebow for Spirit of Excellence Gala University Celebrates 60th Anniversary On Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020, we will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the University on our beautiful campus at the HBU Spirit of…
HBU Professor Recognized by Prestigious Piper Foundation Dr. Levon Hayrapetyan, HBU professor of Business, was named a 2020 Piper Professor by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation. The Piper Professor Program honors outstanding Texas faculty…
Ken Rogers Alumni Endowed Scholarship Announced For students who attended HBC/HBU between 1967 and 2008, the name Ken Rogers is synonymous with Financial Aid. Ken patiently answered every question and listened to…
HBU Athletics 2019-20 Awards Andre Walker With one of the most impressive seasons on the football field in program history, along with his dedication in the classroom, senior defensive end Andre…
HBU Art Students Recognized By Michael Roque Collins, HBU Professor of Art Over the past number of years Houston Baptist University, MFA students and faculty alike have been awarded at the…
HBU Athlete Senior Days HBU Athlete Senior Days On March 14, the Southland Conference announced all remaining athletic competitions and championships for the 2020 season would be canceled due to the…
The Reynolds Sisters: HBU Women’s Soccer Sister Trio While HBU has seen its fair share of sibling teammates over the years, it has primarily been sibling duos wearing the blue and orange. That isn’t the…
HBU Impacts Hoop Dreams and Beyond for Jalon Gates Often, student-athletes who have the opportunity to play college basketball have to make a big choice about where they want to pursue their education and further their…
HBU Employee Recognition HBU employees carry out the mission of the University. We honor our anniversary service honorees for 5 to 50 years, retirees, and Piper, Goolsby and Mayfield Award…
Summer 2020 Alum-a-Grams and In Memoriam Summer 2020 Alum-a-Grams Robert Baldwin ’80 is serving as the associate pastor of Music and Pastoral Care for High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin. April Prichard BE…
There are 3,700 Reasons the HBU Fund is Important! There are 3,700 Reasons the HBU Fund is Important! From the beginning of HBU, 60 years ago, more than 22,000 alumni and 3,700 current students have relied…