Co-Creating Thriving Businesses and Communities (Interview w/ Evan Keller)

Christianity in Business with guest speaker Even Keller graphic.


On this episode, Evan Keller shares how he—in partnership with God—co-creates thriving businesses and communities through both a for-profit and nonprofit venture he founded.

Evan Keller co-leads talented teams at two ventures he founded to leverage business for good: the nonprofit Creating Jobs Inc ( and the for-profit Tree Work Now Inc (, which has over 2,000 clients annually in Central Florida.

Together, they advance Evan’s vocational purpose to “co-create thriving businesses and communities.”

He is the lead author of StartBook, GrowBook, Opportunity Makers, The Heart of Wealth, and I, the Lord, Love Justice.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Christianity in Business is the show that helps Christian business leaders to integrate biblical values into business. | Entrepreneurship | Marketing | Nonprofit | Church | Author | Startups | Marketplace | Ministry | Business as Mission | Faith and Work | Faith | Success | Leadership |