Robert Llizo, PhD

College of Arts and Humanities
Philosophy, History, Law, and Society
Associate Professor of History


  • PhD, History (Medieval and Early Modern Studies), Claremont Graduate University
  • MA, History (Medieval and Renaissance), California State University, Los Angeles
  • BA, History, Biola University

Courses Taught

  • HNRS 1060 Honors Lecture II
  • HNRS 1310 Walking to Piraeus: The Ancient Greek World
  • HNRS 1640 All Roads Lead to Rome: The Ancient Roman & Early Christian Worlds
  • HNRS 2020 Honors Writing III
  • HNRS 2030 Honors Lecture III
  • HNRS 2060 Honors Lecture IV
  • HNRS 2311 Faith, Reason & Romance: The Medieval & Renaissance Worlds
  • HNRS 2640 Enlightenment & Modernity: 1600 – 1900
  • HNRS 3030 Honors Lecture V
  • HNRS 3060 Honors Lecture VI
  • HNRS 3610 The Last Two Hundred Years: 1800 to the Present
  • HNRS 3640 The Story of Scripture: The Biblical Narrative from Genesis to Revelation
  • HIST 2311 Western Civilization I
  • HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
  • HIST 4310 The Medieval World
  • HIST 5384 The Medieval World
  • PHIL 1313 Introduction to Philosophy

Teaching Focus

Classical education, Great Books, Medieval and Early Modern European History, European Intellectual History: Aquinas to Descartes, Early to Late Medieval Christianity, Medieval Spain, Medieval Christian Views of Islam, Tudor/Stuart England


  • The Urban Asceticism of St. Francis, Mellen Press, forthcoming.
  • “Glimpses of Paradise: The Music of John Tavenner, Henryk,Gorecki, Ivan Moody and Arvo Part,” CIVA Special Issue, Iconography and Orthodoxy (August 1998).

  • Book Chapter: Translation of Robert de Sorbon’s “De Matrimonium” for Dr. Greg Peters,The Monkhood of All Believers: The Monastic Foundation of Christian Spirituality Baker Academic, Nov. 2018
  • Book Chapter: Translation of “The Ordinals of Christ” in A Companion to Priesthood and Holy Orders in the Middle Ages (Greg Peters and C. Colt Anderson, eds.) Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers, 2015
  • Book Chapter: “Miguel de Cervantes,” in The Great Books Reader: Excerpts and Essays on the Most Influential Books in Western Civilization (John Mark Reynolds, General Editor) Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2011
  • Book Review: Salam Rasi’s “Christian Thought in the Medieval Islamicate World: Abdisho of Nisibis and the Apologetic Tradition,” in Philosophia Christi (Upcoming)
  • Book Review: “Perfecting Human Actions: St. Thomas Aquinas on Human Participation in Eternal Law,” by John Rhiza, Sixteenth Century Journal (Spring 2011).
  • Book Review: “Mystical Metal of Gold: Essays on Alchemy and Renaissance Culture,” ed. Stanton J. Linton, Sixteenth Century Journal (Spring 2010).
  • Book Review, H. Hossien’s and O. Leamann’s “History of Islamic Philosophy,” Philosophia Christi (Spring 2005)
  • Book Review, “The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy” (D.H. Frank and O. Leamann, ed.), Philosophia Christi  (Fall 2008)
  • Article: “The Vision of God: St. Thomas Aquinas on the Beatific Vision and Resurrected Bodies,” in Perichoresis: The Theological Journal of Emanuel University (17.2, 2019)
  • Article: “Jesus and the Pharisees,” in The City: A Publication of Houston Baptist University (Vol. VIII, Issue 1) Summer 2015 

Conferences and Presentations

  • Cornell Summer Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, June 2-4, 2021  
  •  Lecture, Christianity and Islam in the Song of El Cid. A lecture given to the Department of Spanish Language Studies at Compton College, Compton, CA, 7/9/2019 
  •  Lecture Series, How Athens Became a Suburb of Jerusalem: Greek Philosophy and the Early Church, given at Blessed John Henry Newman Catholic Church, 6/17-8/12, 2018 
  • Lecture, “Here from the dead let poetry rise up”: Faith, Reason, and Poetry in Dante’s Purgatorio,  given at the International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria. October 17, 2017 
  •  47th International Medieval Congress, University of Michigan, Kalamazoo (5/10/12-5/13/12) Paper presented: Nitria and Sitria, A Tale of Two “Deserts”: The Egyptian Desert and Peter Damian’s Vita Sancti Romualdi 
  •  46th International Medieval Congress, University of Michigan, Kalamazoo. (5/12/11-5/15/11) Paper presented: “’All the more reason to take up residence there, since the devil haunts it’: The Bishop as Ascetic Struggler in Saint Gregory the Great’s Dialogues 
  •  44th International Medieval Congress, University of Michigan, Kalamazoo (5/10/09). Paper presented: “Odo of Cluny’s Vita Geraldi: A Monastic Life?” for session “Monastic Life and Monastic Lives.” 
  •  43rd International Medieval Congress, University of Michigan, Kalamazoo (5/8/08-5/11/08) 
  •  42nd International Medieval Congress, Univeristy of Michigan, Kalamazoo (5/11/07-5/14/07) 
  •  Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA) Conference, Biola University, 3/96 Paper: “Image and Incarnation in Athanasius, Cyril of Alexandria, and Maximus the Confessor: Their Contributions to the Theology of the Icon” 
  •  Phi Alpha Theta Conference, California State University, Fullerton, 4/13/91 Paper: “Joachimism and the Rise of Franciscan Spirituality, 1250-1300” 

Awards and Honors

  • Institutional Fellowship, Claremont Graduate School, 9/92-5/93
  • Institutional Fellowship, Claremont Graduate University, 9/02-5/03
  • Institutional Fellowship, Claremont Graduate University, 9/01-5/02