Rachel Gardner, MFA
- Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
- Program Coordinator, Studio Art (MFA)
- MFA – Painting and Sculpture, Houston Christian University
- BFA – Painting, Stephen F. Austin State University
Courses Taught
- Sculpture
- 3D Design
- 2D Design
- Art Methods and Materials
- Art Appreciation
- Graduate Sculpture I
- Graduate Sculpture II
- Graduate Sculpture III
- Graduate Sculpture IV
- Graduate Sculpture V
- Graduate Sculpture VI
- University Clinical Supervisor
Teaching Focus
Professor Gardner’s works with both graduate and undergraduate students. Though her primary focus is sculpture, she teaches other lecture and studio courses to undergraduate and graduate students.
Additional Information
As a professional artist, Gardner has both a national and international presence. She creates installations with her subjects in their “natural environments” and in galleries and museums. She has had several solo exhibitions and has participated in many juried shows. Professor Gardner has served on MFA selection committees and graduate committees for portfolio and thesis development. She has teaching experience at both the university and K-12 levels and is a certified Clinical Supervisor. Apart from her teaching duties, she is MFA Coordinator and helps lead marketing and recruiting for the Visual Arts Department.