Message to The Guild from the President of HCU

Dear Friends,
As Sue and I begin our 19th year at Houston Christian University, we are reminded of our first impression when we arrived on campus. One of the first events we attended was The Guild’s Fall Coffee, where we were warmly welcomed by all. From that initial introduction to this current day, Sue and I have experienced a great outpouring of friendship and support from each of you.
Both as a group, and individually, you have faithfully continued your mission of serving the University. In countless ways, your generosity and prayerful support of numerous projects and events throughout the years have added to the growth and development of this institution.
So, as you celebrate your 50th Anniversary this year, Sue and I want to express our gratitude for the many events The Guild has hosted, for the significant dollars The Guild has raised for scholarships in Education and Theology, and for the ongoing support and encouragement The Guild has offered us and the University.
Our Blessings and Congratulations to you on your Golden Anniversary!
Dr. Robert B. Sloan, Jr.
Houston Christian University