Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program Proposal: Facilitator Agreement Facilitating a service abroad or study abroad opportunity for students is a labor of love, which requires considerable time in planning, facilitating, and assessing. This form is to accompany the program proposal. Please utilize the proposal outline in completing the request for program consideration. Please submit the program proposal to the Office of the Provost in a timely manner to provide sufficient time for review of the proposal and time for planning and preparation necessary for internal staff support and for trip preparations with students. (To ensure adequate consideration prior to the deadline for publication in the upcoming schedule of classes, proposals for spring or summer study abroad travel must be received by September 1 of the preceding year and proposals for fall study abroad travel must be received by December 1 of the preceding year. Any proposal for a service abroad must be received at least six months prior to the proposed departure date.) By agreeing to facilitate the service/study abroad program, the leader agrees to the following: (1) completing the program as laid out in the program proposal or amended program upon approval; (2) organizing and submitting draft MOU agreement(s) for relevant partnerships with third-party of universities; (3) working with designated finance team member(s) to ensure timely documents for managing the financial aspects of the program; (4) promoting the program with the College Dean or designee; (5) guiding students into and through completion of the required forms and program requirements; (6) serving as the coordinator for medical or other emergencies in the event such occurs over the duration of the trip; and (7) assisting students with the process for advanced approval and follow up requirements for transfer of course credit, where applicable.Facilitator(Required)HCU H#(Required)HCU Email Address(Required) HCU Phone(Required)Program Title(Required)Course Number(Required)(if for semester credit)Time PeriodStart Date(Required)(mm/dd/yy)End Date(Required)(mm/dd/yy)If the program is for college credit, may this course(s) be taken to fulfill:Major / Minor Requirements(Required) Yes No Honors College(Required) Yes No Elective Credits(Required) Yes No Each HCU faculty / staff member traveling and/or facilitating this proposal must complete an agreement form. Faculty teaching study abroad courses for credit, must meet the SACSCOC credential requirements. As the leader of this service/study abroad trip, I agree to comply with all university policies and guidelines regarding study abroad trips. I understand that if I do not fulfill my responsibilities, this program may be cancelled. SignatureFacilitator Signature(Required)Print Name(Required)Date(Required)Chair/Dean Signature(Required)Print Name(Required)Date(Required)