A Message from HCU’s President
I am pleased to welcome you to the Honors College at Houston Christian University. This College offers qualified students the chance to study the great texts and discuss them in seminar settings led by award-winning faculty. Our students will also have the opportunity to engage in independent research and writing, present their findings at national conferences, and enhance their learning by studying abroad.
The advantages of an Honors College education will stay with our students long after they graduate. Refined critical-thinking skills, expanded written and oral communication strategies, appreciation of cultural variety, stewardship of community resources, and the integration of faith and learning — these are the qualities of a lifelong learner that we will encourage and develop. These are the habits of mind that ensure success in graduate and professional schools, prepare students for fulfilling careers and vocations, and provide the foundation for lives of integrity and service.
The American university, from the time of its beginnings, was deeply concerned with forming the character of students and with making sure they did not graduate without being informed by, “the best that has been said, thought, written, and otherwise expressed about the human experience.” HCU’s Honors College recaptures that tradition. College is not only about learning skills in order to make money. It is also about knowing something. For the motivated student, there are rewards. They are wisdom, perspective and true learning. The person who possesses those, in combination with training in the professions, is well-equipped to understand the marketplace and the world.
Dr. Robert Sloan
Houston Christian University