Resources for HCU Alumni
Moody Library now has two ways that can help our alums! The first is the most significant change for alumni access to library resources in quite some time.
- CloudSearch: This new resource allows alums to search our books, but more importantly, open access resources. CloudSearch aggregates all the current open access resources on the internet from websites to publishers. This includes all free items from Google Scholar and It even includes open resources from hundreds of independent sites that may or may not be known to Google.
- You will see two tabs: HCU Books/E-books and CloudSearch. You will want the CloudSearch tab. DISCLAIMER: Electronic Books on the library catalog tab may not be viewed outside the library as they will require an HCU account; however, Open Access books are available inside CloudSearch.
- You will see these icons in your search results. You can hover your mouse over any icon which will bring a popup to help refresh your memory.
- Use filters to narrow searches in many ways, including date. You can also search against your displayed results for further narrowing (see the “Search Results” box above the filters.)
- CloudSearch also includes Open Education Resources (OER), meaning open access textbooks! If you teach at any level, you can actually remix and edit textbooks with an Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license in order to create your own unique resource. BY-NC-SA means that you must give attribution to the original author, it is non-commercial, and sharable (allowed to make derivatives). OER resources also include supplemental resources beyond textbooks (case studies, classroom activities, etc.). These can be limited using the filters on the left side. OER usually will be on the bottom left.
- No login is required!
- Those alums with biology, nursing, engineering, or other science fields will greatly benefit from this! These are quality, almost entirely peer-reviewed articles. Keep up-to-date with new material as it regularly refreshes.
- For questions, please contact Dean Riley.
- Books: Alums are welcome to check out up to four books at a time with a three-week checkout (and two renewals).