InterLibrary Loan Services
Books on a bookshelf.

An HCU student, faculty or staff member can request an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for a book or article that Moody Library does not own by filling out an Interlibrary Loan Request Form and giving it to a librarian or using one of the online forms below. Be sure to check the library catalog for your item first before making your request! Also, the library CAN request articles that have an embargo placed by the publisher. The Interlibrary Loan Librarian will try to obtain the material from the nearest free or inexpensive source after searching a nationwide network. Items will be shipped to the Moody library.  Every effort is made to obtain the materials quickly and at the least possible expense, but we cannot guarantee a speedy arrival so start your assignments as early as possible.  The Moody Library only borrows books and articles; no CDs, cassette tapes, DVDs, or videocassettes will be requested.  The patron will be notified by email when the item arrives.  Please complete your use of the borrowed materials quickly and return them to the Interlibrary Loan department at HCU.  Questions should be directed to the Interlibrary Loan Librarian at 281-649-3181 or

Journal Article Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Book – Interlibrary Loan Request Form

TexShare Cards

The TexShare card program is an agreement among several libraries which allows users of TexShare libraries to directly borrow from other TexShare libraries.  Using a TexShare card HCU faculty, staff and currently enrolled students can borrow books in person from participating libraries.  The number of books that can be borrowed is limited by the policies of the TexShare libraries (usually four).  A TexShare card can be obtained at the Reference Desk or the Circulation Desk along with a list of the local libraries that participate in the TexShare program.  Rice University does not participate in the TexShare card program.

  • You can view this map to see the libraries across the state that participate in the card program.
  • All books borrowed from a TexShare library are returned to the same library.
  • If you are an HCU online student and live in the State of Texas, you, too, are eligible for a TexShare card. Please fill out the Online Student TexShare Request Form and we will get a card out to you. This eliminates the need for you to incur shipping costs. You can also search to see what libraries near you have a book of interest. WorldCat may show multiple copies of the same title. Click on each title to see if a library near you has the book.
    • Online Student Tip: Public libraries can do interlibrary loans although they usually do not advertise it.

Borrowing from Rice University

  • Come to the Reference Desk.
  • Student/Faculty must be in good standing with Moody Library.
  • Librarians must contact Fondren Library for permission before going to Fondren Library.
  • The agreement between Rice and HCU allows our faculty, staff and students to borrow up to four books at a time.
  • The books can be returned either to the HCU Moody Library (for return by courier) or directly to Fondren Library at Rice.
  • Fines must be handled through Fondren Library.
  • Remember that you will need to pay a parking fee when going to Rice. There is no free parking (read their FAQ).

Note: Any books borrowed from Rice University in person could also be requested using our regular interlibrary loan forms as described above to avoid the extra travel.