Course Reserves
Books on a bookshelf.

Course Reserves are books, textbooks, articles, chapters, videos, sample tests, professor’s notes, homework solutions, videos, CD’s, DVD’s or other types of material which are selected by faculty for use in a specific course.  Reserve materials are housed at the Circulation Desk of Moody Library and are available for check-out during regular library hours.  These items may be checked out for varying lengths of time from 2 hours (to be used only within the library) and up to one week, depending on the policy of the instructor.  Most are usually 2 hours within the building. Fines for overdue reserve materials can accrue substantially so please use them and return them quickly so your classmates can benefit from them as well.

Find Reserves (for Students)

Lookup Items on Reserve – Click Reserve Desk from the top menu bar. NOTE: Physical reserves are not available during the pandemic. Please contact the library at 281-649-3180 or your professor for more instructions.

Place Items on Reserve (for Faculty)

Library Reserve Request Form