Great Texts major

Philosophy, History, Law, and Society

The Department of History, Philosophy, Law, and Society at HCU is designed to develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of history, culture, government, and ability to reason effectively in a global economy and political landscape.

Degrees in Philosophy, History, Law, and Society

Bachelor's Degrees

  • On Campus Online
    An undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice prepares graduates for dozens of careers in the criminal justice field. In addition to exploring crime causation, the judicial system and more, students will learn to apply the Golden Rule in each situation. The high-level program is led by experts in the field.
  • On Campus
    A Family Studies undergraduate degree includes the disciplines of communications, psychology and sociology. Students study modern demographic trends and the role of family across facets of society. The field of study is useful for careers in areas such as social work, public service and even marketing.
  • On Campus
    The History undergraduate degree and minor gives students a broad overview of world, Western and American history. Particular highlights include a survey of the ancient world, investigation of the ancient Romans and Greeks, a purview of religious history, and a study of the United States from its colonial history onward.
  • On Campus Online
    An undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies is optimal for students who seek to lay a foundation of academic understanding that is well-rounded and conducive to further graduate study and general career spheres. Students may choose to focus upon concentrations in humanities, math, science or business.
  • On Campus
    The Medical Humanities undergraduate degree and minor is designed for learners who are preparing for medical and healthcare-related fields. Courses encompass science, ethics, writing and law. Target career paths for graduates range from master’s and doctoral degrees to public health and even pharmaceutical professions.
  • On Campus
    The Philosophy undergraduate degree is expansive in scope, according scholars the gift of learning from the world’s greatest writers and idealists. Because philosophy explores the origins of existence and reality, the creation and application of knowledge, and the determination of wisdom, its pertinence is wide-ranging.
  • On Campus
    The Political Science major prepares students for careers in law, business, public service, education, journalism, or any other field that requires strong analytic and communication skills. The major also increases political awareness and promotes active citizenship and political participation.
  • On Campus
    An undergraduate minor in Sociology addresses the development, structure and operation of human societal structures. Students explore sociological topics across the family, religion, politics and more. The goal of study is to make learners privy to the causes and implications of societal norms and societal change.

Master's Degrees

  • Online
    Integrates Christian principles with advanced criminal justice theory and leadership development. The curriculum includes courses in ethics, management, constitutional law, and policy development, with specialized tracks in Human Trafficking, Research/Thesis, or General studies, with an emphasis on ethical decision-making and community transformation.
  • On Campus
    The Master of Arts in Philosophy graduate program develops graduates who are comfortable confronting the most important questions of life and existence. Philosophy coursework encompasses logic, human experience, history, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, science, religion, medicine and politics.

Pre-Professional Degrees

  • On Campus
    The Legal Studies undergraduate degree comprises the areas of government, history, economics, philosophy, business administration and communications. Because laws and the legal system are applicable to almost every area of work and society, the careers and further study that graduates can pursue are boundless.

Where to go from here

Developing these essential skills and worldviews while you are enrolled at HCU will prepare you to transition smoothly into a variety of career options in education, law, public service, government agencies, social work, law enforcement, public policy, foreign service, journalism, archival work, library science, academia, or the corporate world.

Studying in these fields can prepare you for careers in:

  • Advertising
  • Public Service
  • Healthcare Law
  • Demography
  • Education
  • Family Services
  • Foreign Service
  • Government (leadership, legislation, campaigns, etc.)
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Human Resources
  • Intelligence Field
  • Law Enforcement
  • Law School
  • Lobbyist
  • Mission Work
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Public Relations
  • Patient Care
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Public Health
  • Research Analyst
  • Sales
  • Social Work
  • Urban Planning