Houston Christian University Catalog
- ACAD - Academy Non-Credit
- ACCT - Accounting
- AFSC - Air Force:U of Houston
- APOL - Apologetics
- ARAM - Biblical Aramaic
- ARHS - Art History
- ART - Art
- BASC - Basic
- BCMB - Biochemistry-Molecular Biology
- BIOL - Biology
- BUSA - Business Administration
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CHNG - Coaching
- CHRI - Christianity
- CINE - Cinema
- CISM - Computer Info Systems Mgmt
- CLAS - Classics
- COMM - Speech Communications
- COSC - Computer Science
- COUN - Counseling
- CYEN - Cyber Engineering
- CYSC - Cybersecurity
- DIGI - Digital Media
- DSCI - Data Science
- ECON - Economics
- EDAD - Educational Administration
- EDBI - Bilingual Education
- EDEC - Early Childhood
- EDLD - Educational Leadership
- EDLR - Educational Leadership Research
- EDRE - Reading
- EDSP - Special Education
- EDSU - Exec Educational Leadership
- EDUC - Education
- ELEN - Electrical Engineering
- ENGL - English
- ENGR - Engineering
- ENSC - Engineering and Science
- ENTR - Entrepreneurship
- ETEC - Educational Technology
- FINA - Finance
- FYS - Freshman Year Seminar
- GOVT - Government
- GREK - Greek
- HEBR - Hebrew
- HIED - Higher Education
- HIST - History
- HNRS - Honors College
- HONR - Honors
- HSRV - Human Services
- HUM - Humanities
- INDC - Interdisciplinary Courses
- IS - Information Systems
- KINE - Kinesiology
- LATN - Latin
- LING - General Linguistics
- LTDE - Learning, Technology, and Design
- MATH - Mathematics
- MGMT - Management
- MHSC - Human Services Counseling
- MIS - Management Information Systems
- MKTG - Marketing
- MSCI - Military Science
- MUED - Music Education
- MUSI - Music
- NARR - Narrative Arts
- NAVA - Naval Science
- NURS - Nursing
- ONLN - Online Courses
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHYS - Physics
- PRSC - Professional Science
- PSYC - Psychology
- SOCI - Sociology
- SOCW - Social Work
- SPAN - Spanish
- WRIT - Professional Writing