Houston Christian University Catalog

Higher Education (HIED) Course Descriptions

  • HIED 5301 History and Philosophy of Higher Education

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course examines the development of American higher education against the background of influential social, political, economic, and intellectual issues.

  • HIED 5302 College and University Administration

    Prerequisite(s): None

    An introduction of the various types of institutions of higher education, their organization and roles on a national scope. The principal administrative functions, including faculty personnel, business management, public relations, and the liaisons of student personnel with other administrative functions will be discussed.

  • HIED 5303 Legal Aspects and Finance in Higher Education

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course analyzes case law on issues of access, student rights, employment, church and state, private sector, liability, academic freedom, and civil rights. Additionally, this course examines revenue, fund-raising and development, types of expenditures, tuition and financial aid policies, budgeting and accounting practices.

  • HIED 5304 Introduction to Student Affairs Work

    Prerequisite(s): None

    An introduction to the basic functions and professional issues in student affairs work. Relevant concepts of administration, enrollment management, student development theory, and spiritual development are introduced. The functions of and relationships between various student services departments are also discussed.

  • HIED 5305 Christian Colleges and Universities

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course examines the most salient aspects of Christian colleges and universities. Specifically, students will have the opportunity to ascertain the distinctiveness of member institutions of the Christian College Collation (CCCU) and the International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities (IABCU).

  • HIED 5306 Practicum in Higher Education

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Practical application of learning and skills developed during course work by serving in a particular higher education department/office. This is to be completed toward the end of the student’s program of study.

  • HIED 5381 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.