Houston Christian University Catalog

Cyber Engineering (CYEN) Course Descriptions

  • CYEN 3321 Ethical Hacking

    Prerequisite(s): CYSC 2311

    This course provides an understanding of how to effectively protect computer networks. Students will learn the tools and penetration testing methodologies used by ethical hackers; defining what an ethical hacker is and who employs them. Topics will include gathering information and identifying flaws and vulnerabilities in documentation, software, and computer systems, and exploiting those flaws. Students will be provided with an overview of computer crime laws.

  • CYEN 3331 Computer Network Security

    Prerequisite(s): COSC 3342

    Overview of computer network security, broad coverage of cyber security concepts, computer network defense, computer network attack, and wireless security.

  • CYEN 3332 Ethics and Cyber Warfare

    Prerequisite(s): CYEN 3321

    This course presents the student with issues of law and ethics in cyberspace and cyber warfare. Students will learn the proper techniques with which to approach the difficult ethical dilemmas that arise from using the modern Internet, in addition to providing students with the skills to assess future ethical dilemmas for themselves.  Topics covered include government regulation of online behavior, constitutional considerations concerning free speech and content controls, intellectual property, hacking, and the ethics of internet behavior.

  • CYEN 4331 Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime

    Prerequisite(s): COSC 3342

    An overview of forensics including methods to uncover and exploit digital evidence; cyber crime, forensics analysis techniques.

  • CYEN 4332 Wireless and Mobile Security

    Prerequisite(s): CYEN 3331

    Overview of wireless and mobile security providing students with practical and theoretical experiences. Topics include threat analysis, security infrastructure, security services, wireless network security components.

  • CYEN 4333 Reverse Engineering

    Prerequisite(s): CYEN 3331

    Overview of reverse engineering techniques, modern tools for reverse engineering of machine code. Topics include gathering information, PE32 format, obfuscation techniques, memory dumping, and automating processes.

  • CYEN 4335 Applied Cryptography

    Prerequisite(s): COSC 3342

    An introduction to the basic theory and practice of cryptographic techniques used in computer security. Topics include probability and statistics, encryption, key management, hashing, and network security protocols

  • CYEN 4337 Security Operations

    Prerequisite(s): CYEN 3331

    Overview of security assessment, network operations, and security protocols.

  • CYEN 4352 Distributed and Cloud Computing

    Prerequisite(s): COSC 4351

    Overview of distributed computing. Theoretical and applicable aspects of distributed systems and cloud computing. Modeling aspects including architecture, performance, reliability, availability, service models, security characteristics.

  • CYEN 4371 Access Control Logic and Covert Channels

    Prerequisite(s): CYEN 3331 and MATH 3311

    An overview of access control logic and covert channels. Topics include access control concepts and logic, covert channel detection, future security predictions, steganography, steganalysis, data hiding.

  • CYEN 4373 Industrial Security

    Prerequisite(s): CYEN 3331 or ELEN 2341

    Principles and concepts of industrial security infrastructure. Topics include PLC programming, SCADA systems, firewalls, segregation of corporate and industrial networks.

  • CYEN 4374 OT Network Security

    Prerequisite(s): ELEN 4374

    Overview of industrial security, broad coverage of cyber security concepts, industrial network defense, industrial network attack, and wireless security.

  • CYEN 4381 Data Analytics

    Prerequisite(s): COSC 2355

    Introduction to data analytics; key tools and concepts from the functional, technical, and implementation perspective of using data analytics to solve real world challenges.

  • CYEN 4391 Blockchain

    Prerequisite(s): CYEN 3331

    the course covers all aspects of cryptocurrencies, including distributed consensus, blockchains, smart contracts and applications; focusing on Bitcoin and Ethereum as case studies. Prior background in Python within a Unix environment is recommended, but no previous Bitcoin knowledge is necessary.