Educational Leadership (EDLD) Course Descriptions
EDLD 7281 Special Topics
Prerequisite(s): NoneTopics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.
EDLD 7300 Seminar in Doctoral Studies in Executive Educational Leadership
Prerequisite(s): Completion of a minimum of 30 hours in the Doctoral ProgramThis course is the first dissertation writing course of the doctoral sequence and is used for students to begin writing the dissertation with the supervision of an instructor and the dissertation chair. A dissertation chair will be appointed at the beginning of this course. The expectation is that the student will complete Chapters 1-3 of the dissertation and schedule the proposal defense by the end of the semester.
EDLD 7301 Cultural Competence for Educational Leaders
Prerequisite(s): EDLD 7302 and EDLD 7307Content in the course includes the political, economic, and cultural factors affecting schools, institutions of higher education, and educational leadership today. Life styles, values and aspirations of various cultural groups as related to the leadership process are also covered. In addition, conflict management processes and skills with emphasis on interaction patterns, interpersonal relationships, and communication skills are addressed.
EDLD 7302 Leadership Theory and Applications
Prerequisite(s): EDLD 7306 and EDLD 7307Leadership theories, models and processes with emphasis on the results of the applications of various theories, models, and processes to educational leadership are addressed in this course. The course requires knowledge of the literature and ongoing candidate engagement in research.
EDLD 7303 Rethinking Education with Emerging Technologies
Prerequisite(s): NoneThe course content addresses emerging technologies as tools to enhance learning in and out of the classroom. In this course, theories, instructional design, assessment, and digital teaching platforms are emphasized. No specialized technology expertise is required.
EDLD 7304 Organizational Behavior and Theory
Prerequisite(s): EDSU 7322The study of organizational theory and behavior is built upon contributions from a number of behavioral disciplines such as: psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and political science. Contributions of the psychologists have been mainly at the individual or micro level, while the latter disciplines have contributed to our understanding of macro concepts – group processes and organization. The course addresses the integration and application of behavioral knowledge to guide the behavior of others in the educational work place. The course requires knowledge of the literature and ongoing candidate engagement in research.
EDLD 7305 Instructional Theory and School Effectiveness
Prerequisite(s): NoneSystematic study is made of existing research on key factors influencing instructional effectiveness and on models for school restructuring. The relationship of instruction and school effectiveness is explored in depth. The course requires knowledge of the literature and ongoing candidate engagement in research.
EDLD 7306 Introduction to Academic Writing and Research
Prerequisite(s): NoneThis course introduces students to the principles of academic reading and writing for advanced graduate studies. Major components of APA style and literature searches are included. Students will explore current research and write for an academic purpose while learning to identify and implement key scholarly components of academic literacy.
EDLD 7307 Christian World View for Educational Leaders
Prerequisite(s): NoneThe course will examine the roles of leadership in community, administration and schools from a Christian worldview. The course curriculum emphasizes the knowledge necessary to assess and apply biblically informed leadership skills in school settings.
EDLD 7308 Ethical Leadership and Governance
Prerequisite(s): NoneThe course will explore ethics, values, and diversity, with an emphasis on building the knowledge and skills necessary for effective leadership within the educational setting. Current theory, best practices, and opportunities for practical application are integrated. Particular emphasis is given to leadership behavior theory and ethical practice that has emerged in the field of educational administration/leadership.
EDLD 7381 Special Topics
Prerequisite(s): NoneTopics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated.