Houston Christian University Catalog

Educational Administration (EDAD) Course Descriptions

  • EDAD 5320 Systems Thinking: Theory and Application

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This class will provide an overview, background, and foundation in systems theory and performance technology. This focus will assist in developing a vision of teaching and learning with technology as a major component. Topics covered include performance technology, general systems theory, needs assessment, and change management. A class project, including a needs assessment and final report of potential solutions, is required of all students.

  • EDAD 5381 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • EDAD 6181 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • EDAD 6191 Internship in the Principalship I

    Prerequisite(s): 24 credit hours in Educational Administration

    This course is the first semester of a two semester internship designed to provide field experiences in school leadership at the campus level with emphasis on public relations, personnel administration, pupil behavior and discipline, curriculum development, instructional leadership, and facilities management. The candidate is assigned to work with a certified campus leader for a minimum of 160 clock hours in the field in the time period of over two semesters. In the overall two-semester experience, the candidate is given experiences in applying management fundamentals to an on-going school program. Each of the topics in the contract and syllabus is developed by assignments, discussions, required reading, and reports. The curricula for this course includes (1) knowledge of the literature of the discipline and (2) ongoing student engagement in research related to professional practice.

  • EDAD 6192 Seminar in Educational Leadership

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of EDAD 6191

    This course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) for state principal certification. The course will focus on content and sample questions from the authorized preparation manual for the state principal examination distributed by the National Evaluation Systems, Inc. Information will also be utilized from the state publication Proficiencies for Leaders in Learner-Centered Schools and other appropriate sources. Students must score a minimum of 80% on the TExES practice tests in order to be authorized by the College of Education to take the state TExES examination.

  • EDAD 6193 Internship in the Principalship II

    Prerequisite(s): 27 credit hours in Educational Administration and completion of EDAD 6191

    This course is the second semester of a two-semester internship designed to provide field experiences in school leadership at the campus level with emphasis on public relations, personnel administration, pupil behavior and discipline, curriculum development, instructional leadership, and facilities management. The candidate is assigned to work with a certified campus leader for a minimum of 160 clock hours in the field in the time period of over two semesters. In the overall two-semester experience, the candidate is given experiences in applying management fundamentals to an on-going school program. Each of the topics in the contract and syllabus is developed by assignments, discussions, required reading, and reports. The curricula for this course includes (1) knowledge of the literature of the discipline and (2) ongoing student engagement in research related to professional practice.

  • EDAD 6281 Special Topics/Independent Study

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • EDAD 6291 Internship in the Principalship

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 24 credit hours in EDAD course work

    This course provides for administrative internship at the home campus of the student with the supervision of a campus-based administrator and a university supervisor.

  • EDAD 6292 Internship in the Principalship

    Prerequisite(s): EDAD 6291 and completion of at least 24 credit hours in EDAD course work

    This is the second course in the Internship and is recommended for the summer term. The student shadows an administrator in a summer school session. The internship is scheduled in a district other than the employing district of the student.

  • EDAD 6301 Administrative Theory and Practice

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course explores theory and practices related to organizational behavior, development, models, and change; shared decision-making; and instructional leadership. Major topics include the new roles of school leaders, issues related to school reform, community and stakeholder involvement, improvement of the teaching and learning environment, enhancing student achievement, and ethics.

  • EDAD 6302 Instructional Leadership and Evaluation

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course will study major issues, problems, and trends in Instructional Leadership. An analysis of leadership skills required of the principal in the areas of curriculum, supervision, group processes, organization for school improvement, and staff development will be emphasized. Each candidate will receive certification in Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL) and Teacher Appraisal Training (T-TESS) upon completion of the Texas approved training.

  • EDAD 6303 School Law

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course explores legal and ethical issues that arise in elementary and secondary schools. It provides school leaders with the knowledge necessary to understand and prevent legal problems, and helps school leaders think through questions of educational policy and ethics that legal disputes raise but do not resolve. Topics include liability for student injury, due process, search and seizure, staff appraisal, employment discrimination, church/state conflicts, control over the curriculum, the expression of controversial views, legal and ethical issues related to the financing and adequacy of state school finance plans, and the schools’ authority to make rules governing student and teacher conduct. The course also reviews federal, state and local policies related to equal opportunity, including: school accountability, bilingual education, sexual discrimination and harassment, privacy issues, affirmative action, and the education of exceptional children.

  • EDAD 6304 School Business Management and Finance

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Study of roles, responsibilities, systems, and procedures in school business matters. Includes budgeting, accounting, data processing, purchasing, personnel, and management of facilities, equipment, and real property. Examination of federal, state, and local programs to finance education.

  • EDAD 6307 Classroom Management

    Prerequisite(s): None

    A study of a broad spectrum of approaches to classroom management, including authoritarian, behavior-modification, group-process, instructional, and psycho-emotional-climate orientations. Examination of research regarding effective classroom management. Exploration of multiple strategies for handling common classroom management problems. (Offered also as EDUC 6301.)

  • EDAD 6308 The Role of the Principal

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Study of the roles and responsibilities in the administration of elementary, middle, and secondary schools, with focus on the principal’s professional relations with teachers, parents, pupils, educational leaders within the district, and the board of education. Analysis of the role of the principal in curriculum development, organization, and evaluation; school organization; discipline; student behavior; community relations; the teaching/learning process; in-service training; and leadership in teacher growth and evaluation. Emphasis is on the personal qualities of leadership conducive to good human relations.

  • EDAD 6309 The School and Its Instructional Program

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Factors influencing school curriculum in grades K-12 are studied. Included are the components of the curriculum: organization of the curriculum; how curriculum is changed; how new curriculum is developed; and the curriculum programs in elementary and secondary schools.

  • EDAD 6310 Applications of Educational Research

    Prerequisite(s): None

    A study of investigations relating to educational research. Includes examination of reports from abstracts and original sources, valid research criteria in making written evaluations, and applications in specific field settings. (Offered also as EDUC 6320 and PSYC 6320.)

  • EDAD 6311 Leadership for Inclusive Education

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course is an in-depth analysis and discussion of the school leader’s role in creating and sustaining an inclusive learning environment for all. Candidates will examine diversity through the lens of race/ethnicity, language, economics, and academics. They will also explore the role of the campus leader in the administration and support of special elementary and secondary school programs including Career Technology Education (CTE), special education, compensatory, bilingual, English Language Learners (ELL), and gifted and talented education.

  • EDAD 6312 Interpersonal Communication and Public Relations

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course addresses the requisite knowledge, performances, and dispositions necessary for a school leader to collaborate with families and community members, respond to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilize community resources. Candidates study the meaning of collaborative leadership and the actions necessary to build working alliances. Much attention is focused on the strategies needed to connect across multiple and diverse community boundaries. Candidates also become familiar with an emergent body of research regarding school, family, and community collaboration around schooling issues. In addition, candidates explore the interpersonal communication skills in order to become effective communicators of the campus vision and mission.

  • EDAD 6313 School Personnel Leadership

    Prerequisite(s): None

    An integration of personnel leadership skills required in the legal, academic, and administrative considerations of regular and special school programs. Included are state and federal regulations.

  • EDAD 6316 Data-Driven Decision Making

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course enables school leaders to enhance their understanding of how consistent and systemic use of data shifts school cultures toward learner-centered communities that recognize achievement gaps in learning among student populations. Through the analysis of data, candidates learn a process for collaboratively inquiring with school faculty to identify significant student learning problems, design research-based intervention strategies, and monitor effectiveness, which contribute to building school capacity and instructional expertise. Through data-driven dialogue, candidates practice and learn facilitation strategies to establish high performing teams and enhance personal accountability. Candidates explore achievement gaps related to minority and special populations and recognize how their personal belief systems and expectations may impact schooling practices. A focus on literacy or math content will enable candidates to frame a context in which to explore issues related to diverse learners and equitable practice.

  • EDAD 6317 Human Capital and Professional Development

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course studies the practices and principles of school leadership with reference to recruitment, selection and promotion, and retention of school personnel. Topics include planning for personnel needs, job analysis and evaluation, job descriptions, salaries, maintenance of morale, evaluation of personnel, and other employee services. This course includes fundamental issues related to the development of personnel, entry-level knowledge of staff appraisal, adult learning and development, and professional development.

  • EDAD 6381 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.