Houston Christian University Catalog

Accounting (ACCT) Course Descriptions

  • ACCT 2301 Principles of Accounting I

    Prerequisite(s): None

    An introduction to the identification and analysis of business transactions and the financial accounting information system that captures them. Included is the flow of activities within the system culminating in the four basic financial statements of a for-profit business. Emphasis is placed on the use of these financial statements to make business credit and investment decisions.

  • ACCT 2303 Principles of Accounting II

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2301

    An introductory course designed for managers throughout the organization and the tools they use in performing the planning and controlling of operations. Students will be introduced to: internal use reporting developed from the accounting information system; budgeting; determining product costs; and analyzing costs as to function and behavior. Interesting questions are discussed such as: How does a manager use accounting goals to motivate employees? How does a marketing department determine price? How does an organization determine what data to capture in the accounting information system?

  • ACCT 3303 Cost Accounting

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2303

    An in-depth study of the accounting tools managers use in performing the planning and controlling of operations. Students will develop and analyze internal reports for service as well as manufacturing companies; determine how the cost of a product is determined under several cost flow systems; allocate the costs of support departments; prepare detailed variances and interpret the results.

  • ACCT 3304 Individual Income Taxes

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2303

    Current federal revenue acts affecting individual tax returns; procedures for computing the income tax liability of individuals. Practice in solving typical problems and in the preparation of tax returns.

  • ACCT 3315 Intermediate Management Accounting

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2303

    An in-depth study of the accounting tools managers use in performing the planning and controlling of operations. Students will develop and analyze internal reports for service as well as manufacturing companies, determine how the cost of a product is determined under several cost flow systems, allocate the costs of support departments, and prepare detailed variances and interpret the results.

  • ACCT 3317 Accounting Information Systems

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2303

    An active, hands-on class that equips the accountant with both knowledge and skills to evaluate and create an accounting information system; work with a relational data base; evaluate and implement control systems; and assess and implement an accounting reporting system. Also included are current uses of technology in accounting utilizing several software applications.

  • ACCT 3324 Intermediate Financial Accounting

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2301

    This course aims at equipping students with the fundamental financial accounting concepts and techniques underlying the preparation and interpretation of financial statements of business organizations. It also covers the procedures involved in recording business transactions and events using the double-entry system, conceptual framework for financial reporting, codification of accounting standards, and the accounting for all general ledger accounts.

  • ACCT 3381 Special Topics

    Prerequisites: None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • ACCT 4181 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • ACCT 4200 Accounting Communication

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3324

    This course addresses basic writing mechanics; effective business writing principles, including organization, clarity, and conciseness; ability to exchange technical information and ideas with co-workers and other professionals; prepare documents and presentations that are concise, accurate, and supportive of the subject matter; document and cross-reference work performed and conclusions reached in an accurate manner; assist clients in recognizing and understanding implications of critical business issues by providing recommendations and informed opinions; and prepare and present written work products in the form of memos, letters, opinions, and reports (such as audit reports) to others.

  • ACCT 4201 Accounting Research

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4302

    This course addresses the identification, organization, and integration of diverse sources of information such as online authoritative literature and pronouncements to reach a conclusion or make a decision. Additionally, this course addresses the analyzation of accounting and taxation issues by reviewing information, using empirical data and analytical methods, recognizing data in patterned activities, forecasting, and integrating data. CPA’s may be asked to conduct research and analysis when providing attest services, professional accounting services, or professional accounting work for clients and/or employers.

  • ACCT 4281 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • ACCT 4301 Advanced Accounting

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3324

    Study and application of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to specialized problems in mergers and acquisitions; consolidated financial reporting; partnership accounting; foreign currency transactions; foreign currency translation and remeasurements for reporting purposes. Study of GAAP for government and nonprofit entities, fund accounting and reporting practices.

  • ACCT 4302 Auditing

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3317 and ACCT 3324

    Standards and procedures in making audits and examinations of the accounting records of business enterprises; preparation of work papers; the content and forms of qualified and unqualified auditor’s opinions; types of audits; ethics of the profession.

  • ACCT 4311 Specialized Problems

    Prerequisites: ACCT 3303 and ACT 3324

    This course will cover the more complex problems in financial and managerial accounting not covered in ACCT 3303 Cost Accounting and ACCT 3324 Intermediate Financial Accounting.

  • ACCT 4314 Taxation for Corporations and Other Entities

    Prerequisite: ACCT 3304

    Federal income tax determination for corporations and the impact of decisions on the corporation and shareholders; tax issues relating to S corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts. Tax research is a substantial component of the course, representing one-third of the course content.

  • ACCT 4315 Advanced Management Accounting

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3315

    This course integrates the content of the accounting program curriculum by exploring how managers utilize accounting principles and practices to improve organizational activities. An integrated reporting approach is utilized to understand methods that optimize the long term value of the firm. An experiential approach to learning is applied to managerial topics like enterprise risk management, non-financial metrics of investment value, the impact of artificial intelligence on efficiency metrics, blockchain methods of capturing and presenting data, and the managerial effect of government accounting policies on for-profit and non-profit organizations.

  • ACCT 4316 Internal Control and Risk Assessment

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3315

    This course integrates the content of the management accounting, accounting information systems, and auditing courses by exploring how managers utilize internal control and risk assessment principles and practices to improve organizational activities. An integrated approach is utilized to understand methods that optimize the long-term value of the firm.

  • ACCT 4322 Advanced Auditing Issues

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4302

    Corporate governance issues and the impact on the auditing profession and accounting disclosures, additional attestation requirements from auditors, other non-attestation engagements, internal audit and audit committees, compliance and government audit, and legal liability of accounts. The course includes a substantial research and writing component representing two-thirds of the course content.

  • ACCT 4337 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4301 and MIS 3330 and FINA 3320

    Study and application of analytical tools and techniques for analyzing corporate financial statements and related information. Financial statement analysis enables the user to assess the operating, investing, and financing activities of the corporation in an industry context to make inferences regarding historical success as well as prospective profitability and cash flows.

  • ACCT 4340 Accounting Internship I

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2303 and approval of the department chair

    The course is an integrating field experience by which students learn actual business practices by undertaking responsible role in an organization. The students develop interpersonal skills while acquiring practical knowledge in their disciplines. The students are exposed to various work roles and career choices. Open to junior and senior H-campus (residential) students only. This course may be repeated twice for credit.

  • ACCT 4381 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • ACCT 5302 Auditing

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3317

    The study of standards and procedures in making audits and examinations of the accounting records of business enterprises; preparation of work papers; the content and forms of qualified and unqualified auditor’s opinions; types of audits; audit objectives, audit risk, materiality, and ethics of the profession.

  • ACCT 5311 Advanced Accounting

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3324

    Study and application of various methods under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to specialized problems in mergers and acquisitions; consolidated financial reporting; partnership accounting; foreign currency transactions; foreign currency translations, derivatives, hedge accounting and remeasurements for reporting purposes. This course provides an introduction to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

  • ACCT 5314 Taxation for Corporations and Other Entities

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3304

    The study of federal income tax issues pertinent to various business entities and their owners. Consideration is given to how federal tax law affects the formation and operation of Corporations, Partnerships, and S Corporations. Distributions to owners and the liquidation of these entities are also covered. Tax research is a substantial component of the course representing one-third of the course content.

  • ACCT 5360 Survey of Accounting

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course covers the basics of what accounting information is, what it means, and how it is used. Students will examine financial statements and determine what they do and do not communicate. This knowledge will help gain decision-making and problem-solving abilities that are needed outside the classroom. The course introduces both financial and managerial accounting to provide an overall perspective about the introductory accounting topics and presentation. The course is also intended to help students learn how to become effective users of accounting information. As such, the course provides a balance between the preparer and the user points of view. The course includes coverage of legal and ethical issues facing accountants as well as highlighting international accounting differences. Graduate Business programs only. This course must be taken within the first 12 semester hours in the program.

  • ACCT 5362 Accounting Principles

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles and techniques of both financial and managerial accounting. It examines the procedures and processes involved in the preparation of basic financial statements and cost-related reports for managerial use. It also covers the application of these principles in evaluation, interpretation, and utilization of accounting information in credit, investment, strategic, organizational and operational decisions.

  • ACCT 5381 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • ACCT 6181 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • ACCT 6281 Special Topics

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • ACCT 6313 International Accounting Issues

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 6320

    As global corporations span national boundaries, they must interact with many different accounting practices and systems. This course deals with a wide variety of international accounting issues, including, but not limited to, the different types of accounting standards in the Americas, Asia, and Europe; issues of reporting and disclosure; issues of foreign translation when considering financial statements; issues of standardizing and harmonizing financial reporting; issues of managerial planning and control; and ethical issues of international accounting. Graduate Business programs only.

  • ACCT 6320 Accounting Theory Seminar

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 5362

    Study of current and alternative financial theories of measurement, valuation, and reporting, including relevant historical development. This readings course introduces the student to the body of literature that influenced the development and evolution of generally accepted accounting procedures.

  • ACCT 6322 Advanced Auditing Issues

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 6320

    An advanced review of the auditing and attestation function, as defined by the American Institute of CPAs. The review encompasses the areas of (a) ethics, professional responsibilities and general principles, (b) assessing risk and developing a planned response, (c) performing further procedures and obtaining evidence, and (d) forming conclusions and reporting.

  • ACCT 6345 Tax Seminar

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 6320

    Research and casework related to current topics in federal income taxation are presented. Particular attention is given to planning for tax minimization.

  • ACCT 6347 Seminar In Managerial Accounting

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3303

    This course introduces principles and concepts of management accounting for strategic decision making and focuses on the use of managerial accounting information and its impact on business efficiency and effectiveness. Topics include management control, business unit evaluation, and strategic cost management. Also includes activity-based management, target costing, target pricing, balanced scorecard, and financial measures of performance.

  • ACCT 6348 Commercial Law and Regulation for Accountants

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 6320

    This course is the study of professional and legal responsibilities and legal implications of business transactions, particularly as they relate to accounting and auditing, and the application of that knowledge to common business transactions. This course provides knowledge of general business environment and business concepts needed to understand the underlying business reasons for and accounting implications of transactions. Our primary objective in this class is to transfer the body of knowledge needed to answer questions likely to appear on the CPA, CMA, CIA, or other professional examinations and to provide a foundation of knowledge of business law for accountants.

  • ACCT 6352 Accounting for Managers

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 5362 and ECON 5363

    The course covers accounting application and information relevant to managers in the current corporate environment. It includes analyzing corporate financial statements to assess the operating, investing, and financing activities of the corporation in an industry context; internal accounting topics like C-V-P analysis; decision-making and budgeting. Topics relevant to a public company like the IPO process and SEC filings will also be covered. The course includes coverage of legal and ethical issues facing accountants as well as highlighting international accounting differences. Graduate Business Programs only.

  • ACCT 6355 Accounting for Sustainability

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 6352

    Several standard-setting and metric-defining organizations have emerged to create a “Big Four” of sustainability outcomes measurement. Students will review the promulgated standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Key Concepts: Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, ESG Reporting, “Six Capitals” Model, and Triple Bottom Line.

  • ACCT 6365 Integrating Accounting and Finance for New Ventures

    Prerequisite(s): None

    This course focuses on the integration of models and constructs from managerial accounting and corporate financial management – developing perspectives and applications specifically for entrepreneurs engaged in new venture development. The objective is to equip entrepreneurs with an exceptional working knowledge of accounting and finance matters directly related to managing an emerging firm. Topics include: a) detailed financial ratio analysis of the balance sheet and income statement, b) a comprehensive understanding of the time value of money – using both a financial analyst calculator and computer spreadsheets, c) pro forma modeling of cash flows, assets, debt, and equity, d) capital budgeting – net present value [NPV], internal rate of return [IRR], and benefit-to-cost ratios [B:C], e) tax accounting issues for C-corporation, Subchapter-S, and LLC venture structures, f) Sources and Uses of Funds budgeting, and g) investor capitalization and valuation techniques for privately-held companies.

  • ACCT 6381 Special Topics/Independent Study

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Topics are selected on basis of student need and academic qualifications of staff. If regular lectures are not given, a minimum of 30 hours of work for each hour credit must be included. This course may be repeated for credit.

  • ACCT 6390 Seminar in Accounting Research

    Prerequisite(s): None

    Independent instructor-guided research in accounting topics of current interest. Research areas may include financial accounting, cost accounting, auditing, and taxation.